✅ Shoulder MRI

[Shoulder_02] Rotator cuff footprint, Articular-delaminated partial-thickness tear of the infraspinatus tendon

MSK MRI 2022. 12. 18. 11:36

Articular-surface partial-thickness tear with intratendinous horizontal splitting tear of the infraspinatus tendon

Intact supraspinatus tendon


The footprint of the supraspinatus on the greater tuberosity is much smaller than previously believed, and this area of the greater tuberosity is actually occupied by a substantial amount of the infraspinatus.


The anterior part of the infraspinatus partially covered the posterolateral part of the supraspinatus.


Note additionally.

Normal anatomy of the supraspinatus tendon

The anterior part of the infraspinatus partially covered the posterolateral part of the supraspinatus.


The more posterior part of the muscle forms a much shorter aponeurosis that is only about 2 cm in length. 

It merges laterally with the main anterior supraspinatus tendon anteriorly, and with the infraspinatus tendon posteriorly


#MSKMRI, #virtualMRI, #radiologist, #musculoskeletal



#rotatorcuff, #Anatomy, #supraspinatus, #infraspinatus,#partialtear, #PASTA, #delaminatingtear, 

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