✅ Shoulder MRI 41

Shoulder Pain in Young Athletes: Is It Just Normal Growth? Acromial Apophysiolysis

https://youtu.be/WQUtqkgICN0✨ Join the channel to enjoy the benefits! 🚀 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4bw7o0l2rhxn1GJZGDmT9w/joinhttps://youtube.com/shorts/SZjL8v-ZIL0?si=u5fqV9DEKzEqUVE3 https://heliotrope-apartment-6ac.notion.site/Shoulder-Pain-in-Young-Athletes-Is-It-Just-Normal-Growth-Acromial-Apophysiolysis-1aaa74523757802e9531ccfbb7fffbc2?pvs=4 Shoulder Pain in Young Athletes: Is It J..

Os Acromiale: Hidden Cause of Shoulder Pain and Impingement

https://youtu.be/Iaa_QBWTZBc✨ Join the channel to enjoy the benefits! 🚀 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4bw7o0l2rhxn1GJZGDmT9w/join 📌Os Acromiale: Hidden Cause of Shoulder Pain and Impingement 1. Importance of Identifying Os AcromialeOs acromiale can contribute to shoulder impingement symptoms due to inferior displacement with deltoid contraction.It may serve as a contraindication to subacro..

Why does it look like there are two AC joints? Understanding Os Acromiale

https://youtu.be/-osxzikTQo4✨ Join the channel to enjoy the benefits! 🚀https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4bw7o0l2rhxn1GJZGDmT9w/join📌Os Acromiale: Summary and Classification ✅DefinitionOs acromiale results from the failure of fusion of at least one of the secondary ossification centers of the acromion.  ✅ Classification of Os AcromialeOs acromiale types are classified based on the unfused segm..

📌Pediatric Acromion: Avoiding Common Diagnostic Pitfalls

https://youtu.be/1ZOU7tsEqlk✨ Join the channel to enjoy the benefits! 🚀https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4bw7o0l2rhxn1GJZGDmT9w/join 1. Development of the AcromionThe acromion has three secondary ossification centers: preacromion, mesoacromion, and metacromion.These centers appear between 14 and 16 years of age and gradually fuse in sequence:The basiacromion is the primary ossification center.I..

Shoulder Pain in Young Males: Distal Clavicle Osteolysis

https://youtu.be/esWR7DEZiNs✨ Join the channel to enjoy the benefits! 🚀https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4bw7o0l2rhxn1GJZGDmT9w/join📌 Distal Clavicle Osteolysis 1. OverviewDistal clavicle osteolysis is a painful bone resorption disorder occurring in two forms:Posttraumatic: Develops months to years after an acute injury.Overuse: Stress-induced, common in weightlifters and throwing athletes.Bot..

​​Flipped and Adherent: Fosbury Flop Tear

https://youtu.be/FsXxZWDUotI✨ Join the channel to enjoy the benefits! 🚀https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4bw7o0l2rhxn1GJZGDmT9w/join📌 Fosbury Flop Tear ✅  Definition and MechanismThe Fosbury flop tear is a recently described full-thickness tendon tear in which the tendon stump flips upon itself. This flipped portion then adheres medially (superomedially on the bursal side), which gives the les..

Is That a Lump in Your Back? Understanding Elastofibroma Dorsi!

https://youtu.be/fU4RQDaKruM - YouTube www.youtube.com📌 Elastofibroma Dorsi Elastofibroma dorsi is a benign soft-tissue tumor commonly found in the infrascapular or subscapular region. It is bilateral in up to 30% of cases and has a slight right-sided predilection when unilateral. ✅ LocationFound deep to the serratus anterior and latissimus dorsi muscles.Poorly defined soft-tissue mass with no ..

Rotator Cable vs. Coracoacromial Ligament on MRI: How to Avoid Common Misinterpretations and Improve Shoulder Tear Diagnosis

https://youtu.be/GLGz8BKbacQ📌 Rotator Cable OverviewThe rotator cable is a thick, fibrous structure in the shoulder, resembling a suspension bridge. It transfers forces across the rotator cuff and helps anchor the tendons to the tubercles of the humerus. ✅ Function of the Rotator CableAnchors rotator cuff tendons to the humerus.Assists in stabilizing the glenohumeral joint.Disperses stress on t..

Shoulder Cysts on MRI: Normal Variant or Hidden Pathology? Bare area cysts

https://youtu.be/XAWfmcwBm9ASummary of Subcortical Cystic Changes of the Humeral Tuberosities  1. IncidenceFound in 15% to 45% of asymptomatic shoulders, often linked to ageing and rotator cuff pathology.  2. ClassificationClassified by location: bare area, lesser tuberosity, anterior greater tuberosity, and posterior greater tuberosity.  3. Bare-Area CystsMost common type, located in the poster..