✅ Shoulder MRI/Chap 1. Rotator Cuff Part 1 16

Shoulder Pain in Young Athletes: Is It Just Normal Growth? Acromial Apophysiolysis

https://youtu.be/WQUtqkgICN0✨ Join the channel to enjoy the benefits! 🚀 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4bw7o0l2rhxn1GJZGDmT9w/joinhttps://youtube.com/shorts/SZjL8v-ZIL0?si=u5fqV9DEKzEqUVE3 https://heliotrope-apartment-6ac.notion.site/Shoulder-Pain-in-Young-Athletes-Is-It-Just-Normal-Growth-Acromial-Apophysiolysis-1aaa74523757802e9531ccfbb7fffbc2?pvs=4 Shoulder Pain in Young Athletes: Is It J..

Os Acromiale: Hidden Cause of Shoulder Pain and Impingement

https://youtu.be/Iaa_QBWTZBc✨ Join the channel to enjoy the benefits! 🚀 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4bw7o0l2rhxn1GJZGDmT9w/join 📌Os Acromiale: Hidden Cause of Shoulder Pain and Impingement 1. Importance of Identifying Os AcromialeOs acromiale can contribute to shoulder impingement symptoms due to inferior displacement with deltoid contraction.It may serve as a contraindication to subacro..

Why does it look like there are two AC joints? Understanding Os Acromiale

https://youtu.be/-osxzikTQo4✨ Join the channel to enjoy the benefits! 🚀https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4bw7o0l2rhxn1GJZGDmT9w/join📌Os Acromiale: Summary and Classification ✅DefinitionOs acromiale results from the failure of fusion of at least one of the secondary ossification centers of the acromion.  ✅ Classification of Os AcromialeOs acromiale types are classified based on the unfused segm..

📌Pediatric Acromion: Avoiding Common Diagnostic Pitfalls

https://youtu.be/1ZOU7tsEqlk✨ Join the channel to enjoy the benefits! 🚀https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4bw7o0l2rhxn1GJZGDmT9w/join 1. Development of the AcromionThe acromion has three secondary ossification centers: preacromion, mesoacromion, and metacromion.These centers appear between 14 and 16 years of age and gradually fuse in sequence:The basiacromion is the primary ossification center.I..

Rotator Cable vs. Coracoacromial Ligament on MRI: How to Avoid Common Misinterpretations and Improve Shoulder Tear Diagnosis

https://youtu.be/GLGz8BKbacQ📌 Rotator Cable OverviewThe rotator cable is a thick, fibrous structure in the shoulder, resembling a suspension bridge. It transfers forces across the rotator cuff and helps anchor the tendons to the tubercles of the humerus. ✅ Function of the Rotator CableAnchors rotator cuff tendons to the humerus.Assists in stabilizing the glenohumeral joint.Disperses stress on t..

Shoulder Cysts on MRI: Normal Variant or Hidden Pathology? Bare area cysts

https://youtu.be/XAWfmcwBm9ASummary of Subcortical Cystic Changes of the Humeral Tuberosities  1. IncidenceFound in 15% to 45% of asymptomatic shoulders, often linked to ageing and rotator cuff pathology.  2. ClassificationClassified by location: bare area, lesser tuberosity, anterior greater tuberosity, and posterior greater tuberosity.  3. Bare-Area CystsMost common type, located in the poster..

Supraspinatus Anatomy and Hidden Supraspinatus Myotendinous Injuries

https://youtu.be/jfm5azt1dpA📌  Supraspinatus Anatomy and Hidden Supraspinatus Myotendinous Injuries✅ Supraspinatus Anatomy  The supraspinatus has anterior and posterior components, with the anterior bundle being five times larger.Anterior Bundle: Occupies the anterior supraspinatus fossa and attaches to the anterior superior facet of the greater tuberosity near the rotator cuff interval.Posteri..

Rotator Cuff Insertion: What You Thought You Knew Might Be Wrong!

https://youtu.be/O6UFu8agrkgNormal Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus Insertions1. Overlapping AnatomyThe anterior infraspinatus partially covers the posterolateral supraspinatus.This overlap suggests biomechanical significance in shoulder abduction, especially in cases of isolated supraspinatus tears. 2. Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus FootprintsSupraspinatus: Inserts into the anteromedial area of..

Understanding Infraspinatus Tendon Anatomy_ Key Insights for MRI

https://youtu.be/U2tK1jS6vII Infraspinatus Muscle Anatomy and Tendinous Structure1. Overview of Muscle ArchitectureThe infraspinatus muscle consists of two distinct portions:These portions are connected at the superior muscular area but clearly separate in the distal tendinous region.2. Tendinous CharacteristicsThe tendinous portion is primarily derived from the oblique part:3. Distinctive Attac..

[Advanced] Understanding Rotator Cuff Tendon Layers: Structure and MRI Insights

Five Histologic Layers of the Supraspinatus and Infraspinatus Tendons1. Layer 1: Superficial LayerThickness: ~1 mmComposed of fibers from the coracohumeral ligament.2. Dense Parallel Tendon FibersThickness: 3–5 mmDensely packed parallel collagen fibers.Stronger than layer 3 by twofold.Prone to intrasubstance tears between this layer and layer 3.3. Deep Layer with Non-Uniform Collagen Orientation..