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Elbow MRI

[Elbow-01] Acute gouty arthritis

by MSK MRI 2022. 12. 27.


Acute gout is intensely inflammatory, presenting as a relatively sudden onset severe pain in a joint associated with swelling, warmth, and redness that may extend beyond the joint, mimicking cellulitis.



The earliest episode of acute gout are usually mono-articular and usually affect, in decreasing order of frequency, the first metatarsophalangeal joint (‘podagra’), ankle, midtarsal joint, knee, wrist, fingers, and elbow.


They can occur in a variety of locations, especially over-pressure areas, such as the olecranon bursa and interphalangeal joints, and the helix of the ear.


Tendinous deposition can also occur, most commonly in the patellar, triceps, quadriceps, and Achilles tendons.


MRI cannot specifically identify MSU crystals. 

Often it is the site of involvement, distribution, and history that are clues to the correct diagnosis.


​​Tophi have intermediate or low signal intensity on T1-weighted images and heterogeneous signal intensity on T2-weighted or fluid-sensitive sequences, possibly because of the presence of variable amounts of calcium.


#virtualMRI, #musculoskeletal, 

#ElbowMRI, #MSKMRI_Elbow, #gout, #tophus, #tophi,

#영상의학과공부맛집, #영상의학, #영상의학이지은, #안산에이스병원, #ansanacehospital,


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