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Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 1. Meniscus

(Fig 1-B.41) Type 5 Ramp Lesion https://youtu.be/kYOVoRk6YvM https://youtu.be/nKQsItyKAtM Type 5 Ramp Lesion involves two separate tears within the red-red zone of the meniscus. Similar to the 4A subtype, the meniscocapsular and meniscotibial ligaments remain intact. There are two parallel linear areas with high T2 fluid intensity signal, extending from the superior to the inferior articular surface within the red-red zone of .. 더보기
(Fig 1-E.23) Posterior root tear Of Meniscus Allograft Transplantation https://youtu.be/0U6wcsVeS_M https://youtu.be/SXRAadVysHc 📌 Understanding the causes of graft failure is crucial for improving meniscal allograft transplantation (MAT) outcomes. The primary reasons for graft failure include: 1️⃣ Implantation Site Issues: Failures can occur due to avulsion at the root, unsuccessful plug incorporation, or fracture of the bone bridge. 2️⃣ Healing Complications: Inc.. 더보기
(Fig 1-E.22) Expected Findings Of Keyhole (bone block and slot) Technique https://youtu.be/yFSeb5KicyE https://youtu.be/SXRAadVysHc 📌After Meniscal Allograft Transplantation (MAT), the allograft bone block or plugs undergo a critical process of incorporation into the host's proximal tibia, which is a significant aspect of the postoperative healing phase. Key points include: 1️⃣ Bone Incorporation: The union at the cancellous–cancellous junctions can occur as early as .. 더보기
(Fig 1-E.21) Concomitant MAT and ACLR and Articular cartilage restorative procedure https://youtu.be/jwtAe0gp3TY https://youtu.be/SXRAadVysHc 📌 Meniscal Allograft Transplantation (MAT) is often accompanied by additional surgical procedures to address concurrent knee issues, enhancing overall knee function and patient outcomes. Common concomitant procedures include: ➡️ ACL Reconstruction: To restore stability in patients with concurrent anterior cruciate ligament injuries. ➡️ Ar.. 더보기
(Fig 1-E.20) Too-small meniscal allograft and failure https://youtu.be/3KbQEifNAm8 https://youtu.be/SXRAadVysHc 📌 Preoperative Imaging and Meniscal Sizing: Precise meniscal sizing is crucial for meniscal allograft transplantation (MAT) success. A mismatch in graft size should be less than 10% to maintain the meniscus's biomechanical integrity. ✅ Specifically, too small allografts (beyond a 5-mm margin of error) can jeopardize long-term functionalit.. 더보기
(Fig 1-E.19) Double bone Plugs Technique for medial MAT https://youtu.be/WnUD4jPBGqA https://youtu.be/SXRAadVysHc 1️⃣ Graft Preparation: The medial meniscus graft is readied with bone plugs attached to each horn, reflecting the anatomical distance between the horns and their medial orientation relative to the ACL insertion. 2️⃣ Bony Sockets Creation: In the recipient's proximal tibia, two sockets are crafted at the sites of the original meniscal root.. 더보기
(Fig 1-E.18) Keyhole (bone block and slot) Technique https://youtu.be/bEa001H5rKA https://youtu.be/SXRAadVysHc 1️⃣ Meniscal Extrusion: It's a common occurrence post-MAT, yet there's no universally accepted standard for what constitutes normal meniscal extrusion. The link between clinical outcomes and radiologic findings regarding extrusion remains unclear, indicating a need for further study to understand its implications fully. 2️⃣ Axial Trough A.. 더보기
(Fig 1-E.17) Complete Retear of Transtibial Pullout Repair failure https://youtu.be/peGP49QExi8 https://youtu.be/SXRAadVysHc ✅Summary of Meniscal Root Repair Healing Criteria and MRI Interpretation Challenges • Complete Healing: Defined as the continuity of the repaired meniscal root across axial, coronal, and sagittal planes. • Partial Healing: Identified when continuity is observed in one or two of these planes. • Repeat Tear: Recognized by the absence of con.. 더보기