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ankle MRI

[Ankle and Foot_02] Two fascicles of the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) The anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) is composed of the superior (S-ATFL) and inferior fascicle (I-ATFL). Both fascicles have a contiguous footprint on the anterior distal fibula border, however, their distal insertion on the talus is located apart from each other. The superior fascicle of the ATFL is a distinct anatomical structure, whereas the inferior ATFL fascicle and the CFL share some .. 더보기
[Ankle and Foot_01] anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), and posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL) The lateral ligament complex of the ankle consists of the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), calcaneofibular ligament (CFL), and posterior talofibular ligament. This ligament plays an important role in limiting anterior displacement, internal rotation of the talus, and plantar flexion of the ankle The anterior talofibular ligament extends from the anterolateral malleolar tip to the talar neck.. 더보기
[MRI 자신감키우기-07] Tarsal tunnel, posterior tibial nerve, deep peroneal nerve, plan [MRI 자신감키우기-07] Tarsal tunnel, posterior tibial nerve, deep peroneal nerve, plantar nerve, 군자출판사 Ankle MRI,Anatomy, 군자출판사, MRI자신감키우기, MSKMRI, posterior tibial nerve, inferior calcaneal nerve, me... cafe.naver.com Ankle MRI,Anatomy, 군자출판사, MRI자신감키우기, MSKMRI, posterior tibial nerve, inferior calcaneal nerve, medial plantar nerve,lateral plantar nerve, Baxter's nerve, anterior tarsal tunnel, medial.. 더보기
[MRI 자신감키우기-06] Midtarsal(Chopart) joint ligament and ankle retinaculum, anatomy Ankle MRI, Anatomy, ankle ligament, 군자출판사, MRI자신감키우기, MSKMRI, foot ligament, bifurcate ligament, dorsal talonavicular ligament, calcaneocuboid ligament, long plantar ligament, short plantar ligament, superior extensor retinaculum, inferior extensor retinaculum, plantar fascia, plantar aponeurosis https://cafe.naver.com/studywithmskmri/365 [MRI 자신감키우기-06] Midtarsal(Chopart) joint ligament and ank.. 더보기
[MRI 자신감키우기-05] Spring ligament and Lisfranc ligament, ankle anatomy, 군자출판사 Ankle MRI, Anatomy, ankle ligament, 군자출판사, MRI자신감키우기, MSKMRI, spring ligament, tibiospring ligament, lisfranc ligament, foot ligament [MRI 자신감키우기-05] Spring ligament and Lisfranc ligament, ankle anatomy, 군자출판사 Ankle MRI,Anatomy, ankle ligament, 군자출판사, MRI자신감키우기, MSKMRI, spring ligament, tibiospring ligamen... cafe.naver.com 네이버 책: MRI 자신감 키우기 2020년 봄, 개인 유튜브 채널을 통해 정리하며 공부하던 것을 동료, 후배 선생님들께 도 움이.. 더보기
[MRI 자신감키우기-04] Tendon-2 (lateral & anterior), 군자출판사, Ankle anatomy, peroneal te Ankle MRI, Anatomy, 군자출판사, MRI자신감키기, MSKMRI, ankle tendon, peroneus longus, peroneus brevis, peroneal longus, peroneal brevis, superior peroneal retinaculum, anterior tibial tendon, superior extensor retinaculum, extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus https://cafe.naver.com/studywithmskmri/363 [MRI 자신감키우기-04] Tendon-2 (lateral & anterior), 군자출판사, Ankle anatomy, peroneal tendon, SPR,.. 더보기
[MRI 자신감키우기-03] Tendon-1 (medial & posterior), 군자출판사, Ankle anatomy, PTT, FHL, A [MRI 자신감키우기-03] Tendon-1 (medial & posterior), 군자출판사, Ankle anatomy, PTT, FHL, Achilles, Ankle MRI, Anatomy, 군자출판사, MRI자신감키우기, MSKMRI, Posterior tibial tendon, flexor hallucis longus, fl... cafe.naver.com Ankle MRI, Anatomy, 군자출판사, MRI자신감키우기, MSKMRI, Posterior tibial tendon, flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum longus, Achilles tendon, ankle tendon 네이버 책: MRI 자신감 키우기 2020년 봄, 개인 유튜브 채널을 통해 정.. 더보기
[MRI 자신감키우기-02] Deltoid ligament, Ankle MRI anatomy, tibiotalar ligament, 군자출판사 Ankle MRI, Anatomy, ankle ligament, 군자출판사, MRI자신감 키우기, MSKMRI, deltoid ligament, posterior tibiotalar ligament, tibiospring ligament, superficial layer, deep layer, tibiocalcaneal ligament, tibionavicular ligament https://cafe.naver.com/studywithmskmri/361 [MRI 자신감키우기-02] Deltoid ligament, Ankle MRI anatomy, tibiotalar ligament, 군자출판사 Ankle MRI, Anatomy, ankle ligament, 군자출판사, MRI자신감 키우기, MSKMRI.. 더보기