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(Fig 1-A.12) Anatomy of popliteomeniscal fascicles https://youtu.be/GYwJcbKhxbY Fascicle Location and Appearance Anteroinferior Popliteomeniscal Fascicle Visible on sagittal slices near the fibular head; extends posteroinferiorly from the lateral side of the lateral meniscus (LM) and merges with the popliteus tendon; conjoined attachment with the popliteofibular ligament at the fibula’s styloid process; variable appearance. Posterosuperior Popli.. 2024. 1. 10.
(Fig 1-A.06) Medial Meniscus Posterior Root, Anatomy, degeneration, tear https://youtu.be/CjYENTgOT3Y https://youtu.be/kEuMzUrHD0M "🧐 Deep Dive into the Meniscofemoral Ligament (MFL) Anatomy! ✨ The MFL, a critical component of the knee, originates from the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus and inserts onto the lateral aspect of the posterior medial femoral condyle. It plays a key role in the stability and function of the knee joint. 🔍 Let's break it down: 1️⃣ Th.. 2024. 1. 7.
(Fig 1-A.05) Anatomy of the Lateral Meniscus Posterior Root, two components, intertubercular area https://youtu.be/-lNJo4zWnqs https://youtu.be/kEuMzUrHD0M PRLM has two attachment sites of the posterior slope of the lateral tubercle (1st coronal image) and intertubercular region (other coronal images). - major component: intertubercular area, anterior extension into medial tubercle along the intertubercular crest, just posteromedial to tibial attachment of anterior cruciate ligament (; ACL) .. 2024. 1. 6.
(Fig 1-A.06) Medial Meniscus Posterior Root, Anatomy, degeneration, tear https://youtu.be/GvR9ULGrDOw https://youtu.be/kEuMzUrHD0M Category Description Insertion Points - Inserts along the downward slope of the intercondylar fossa, anterior to the posterior cruciate ligament. - Extends from the tibial attachment point to just lateral from the articular cartilage inflection point of the medial tibial plateau. - Commences just lateral to the apex of the medial tibial p.. 2024. 1. 5.