Meniscocapsular Separation is the tear of the supporting meniscotibial (coronary) or meniscofemoral ligaments typically at attachment to meniscus.
Occasionally, there is only a partial separation of the meniscocapsular junction occurring as a continuation of a meniscal tear, producing a corner lesion.
Left image: This meniscocapsular separation is type 3A ramp lesion which is partial peripheral vertical tear of posterior inferior margin of the meniscus containing the attachment of the meniscotibial ligament.
Right image: This meniscocapsular separation is type 3B ramp lesion. There is partial peripheral vertical tear of posterior inferior margin of the meniscus with meniscotibial ligament tear.
Posteroinferior corner tear of the posterior horn medial meniscus is associated with ACL injury.
meniscotibial ligament is not visible, so meniscotibial ligament is torn.

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