Longitudinal tears of the posterior horn or meniscocapsular junction can propagate anteriorly into the meniscal periphery at the junction of body and posterior horn.
There is only a partial separation of the meniscocapsular junction occurring as a continuation of a meniscal tear, producing a corner lesion.
In this case, the sagittal image demonstrates the type 3A Ramp lesion, but this tear propagates anteriorly on the coronal image.
To date, there is no consensus regarding the definition of a ramp lesion.
But, meniscal ramp lesions can be defined as longitudinal vertical and/or oblique peripheral tears affecting posterior horn of medial meniscus, in a mediolateral direction of less than 2.0 cm, that may lead to meniscocapsular or meniscotibial disruption.
So, I think it is correct to call this case meniscocapsular separation in a more comprehensive sense, rather than diagnosing ramp 3A lesion by looking at the sagittal image alone.
I think meniscocapsular separation includes Ramp lesion.

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