In regard to shape, the morphology of the normal labrum demonstrates considerable variability on standard MR images.
The cross-sectional shape of the labrum is triangular in most cases (anterior, 64%; posterior, 47%), followed by rounded (anterior, 17%; posterior, 33%).
However, in a minority of cases the normal labral shape can be blunted, cleaved, notched, or even flat.
The anterior and inferior portions of the labrum are smaller than their posterior and superior counterparts, respectively
There is higher variability in the shape of the anterior labrum versus the posterior labrum
The cleaved or notching labrum may be mistaken for a labral tear.
This notched appearance can also result from the close apposition of the middle and inferior glenohumeral ligaments with the anterior labrum.
The labrum may also give a false appearance of notching if one mistakes a closely apposed glenohumeral ligament for part of the labral substance
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