✅ Ankle MRI

[Ankle_01_Instagram] Medial Plantar Neuropathy, Jogger’s foot, Knot of Henry, fo

MSK MRI 2022. 5. 29. 15:21

Jogger’s foot can develop at the Henry knot owing to repetitive trauma to the nerve, especially while running with increased heel valgus and foot pronation.
Patients usually present with heel and arch pain, tenderness and a positive Tinel sign posterior to the navicular tuberosity, and numbness along the medial plantar foot.
• MR:
Edema or atrophy of the abductor hallucis and flexor digitorum brevis muscles, with sparing of abductor digiti minimi
Jogger’s foot can develop at the Henry knot owing to repetitive trauma to the nerve, especially while running with increased heel valgus and foot pronation.
Patients usually present with heel and arch pain, tenderness and a positive Tinel sign posterior to the navicular tuberosity, and numbness along the medial plantar foot.
Repetitive microtraumas can be responsible for medial calcaneal neuropathy in joggers.
Fat pad atrophy, particularly in association with sudden weight loss or diabetes, can also be involved in medial calcaneal neuropathy