At the level of the scaphoid (left), the radioscaphocapitate (RSC) ligament is seen palmar to the waist of the scaphoid, being distal to the long radiolunate ligament (LRL).
At the level of the lunate (right), MRI shows a short radiolunate ligament (SRL) passing from the volar lip of the distal radius at the lunate facet, to the volar lunate cortex. Immediately distal to the SRL is the LRL, followed by the distal RSL, near its capitate attachment
#WristMRI, #WristAnatomy, #WristLigament, #WristInstability,
#Wrist MRI, #Wrist anatomy, #wrist ligament, #안산에이스병원, #Radioscaphocapitate ligament, #Long radiolunate ligament, #radiolunotriquetral ligament, #Short radiolunate ligament,