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Wrist, Finger MRI/Wrist ligament, instability

[Anatomy_12] Ulnotriquetral Ligament, TFCC, wrist MRI

by MSK MRI 2022. 9. 2.

The ulnotriquetral ligament (UT) forms the anterior and ulnar part of the ulnocarpal joint capsule together with the ulnolunate ligament.

UT shares a common origin and connects the volar radioulnar ligament and thus the triangular fibrocartilage complex to the triquetral bone.

#WristMRI, #WristAnatomy, #WristLigament, #WristInstability, #TFCC,


#Wrist MRI, #Wrist anatomy, #wrist ligament, #안산에이스병원,#Ulnolunate Ligament, #ulnocarpal ligament, #ulnocarpal ligamentous complex, #Ulnotriquetral Ligament, #Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex,