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Wrist, Finger MRI/Wrist ligament, instability

[Anatomy_22] Septum of the Extensor Retinaculum, wrist MRI

by MSK MRI 2022. 9. 7.

The extensor retinaculum originated from the pisiform and passed over the dorsal wrist compartment and attached to the distal radius.

The circumferential support of the ECU tendon was provided by the supra-tendinous and infratendinous extensor retinaculum and radial and ulnar retinacular septa supporting the ECU tendon.


#WristMRI, #WristAnatomy, #WristLigament, #WristInstability, #TFCC,


#Wrist MRI, #Wrist anatomy, #wrist ligament, #안산에이스병원,#Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex, #Extensor Carpi Ulnaris, #extensor carpi ulnaris tendon, #Pisotriquetral Joint, #Ulnomeniscal Homologue, #Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament,#acehospital,