## MRI 자신감 키우기

[MRI 자신감키우기-02] Distal tibiofibular syndesmosis, 군자출판사, anatomy, Anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament, Inferior transverse ligament

MSK MRI 2021. 7. 12. 00:21


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MRI 자신감 키우기: 족부편

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MRI 자신감 키우기

2020년 봄, 개인 유튜브 채널을 통해 정리하며 공부하던 것을 동료, 후배 선생님들께 도 움이 되는 부끄럽지 않은 책으로 만들어보자는 생각에 계속된 수정과 내용 추가를 반복하 다보니 어느새 2


인터넷 교보문고:



MRI 자신감 키우기: 족부편 - 교보문고

2020년 봄, 개인 유튜브 채널을 통해 정리하며 공부하던 것을 동료, 후배 선생님들께 도 움이 되는 부끄럽지 않은 책으로 만들어보자는 생각에 계속된 수정과 내용 추가를 반복하 다보니 어느새 2



예스 24:



MRI 자신감 키우기 - YES24

MRI 자신감 키우기






싸니까 믿으니까 인터파크도서








카테고리: 의약학/간호계열, 가격 : 120,000


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A.      Distal tibiofibular syndesmosis


         1.      Anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL)



The AITFL had a trapezoidal shape, with multiple bands of fibers that extended obliquely in a distal and lateral direction from the tibia to the fibula. (13)

This ligament had a variable number of bands, ranging from three to four. (13)

AITFL as a striated band with an oblique orientation between the anterolateral tibia and the lateral malleolus.  

The oblique orientation and craniocaudal extent of the AITFL often requires 2 to 3 axial images to completely assess.


         2.      Accessory Anterior Inferior Tibiofibular (Bassett’s) Ligament


The accessory anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (also published in the radiology literature as “Bassett’s ligament”) runs parallel and distal to the AITFL, also attaching to the tibia and fibula. (14)

The distal attachment of Bassett’s ligament approximates the fibular attachment of the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL). (14)

Presumably the abnormally thickened accessory AITFL contacts the superolateral talar dome, resulting in the cartilage abrasion.


         3.      Posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL)


Posterior inferior tibiofibular ligament (PITFL)   

The PITFL is the strongest component of the syndesmotic ligament complex. 

The PITFL was a compact ligament that was triangular in shape and extended from the posterior edge of the fibular notch of the distal tibia to the malleolar fossa behind the triangular articular facet of the lateral malleolus of the fibula 

The ligament was multifascicular, with a broad attachment to the lateral malleolus


         4.      Inferior transverse ligament (ITL)



The deep fibers of the PITFL are also known as the transverse ligament 

The inferior component of the deep fibers extends below the articular surface and is triangular in cross-sectional morphology, resembling a labrum. (15)

  The course of this ligament was more horizontal than that of the PITFL


         5.      Interosseous ligament (IOL)


The interosseous ligament, which is the lower margin of the interosseous membrane, is visible as a thin linear hypointense band extending from the tibia to the fibula. 

Small amount of joint fluid protrudes superiorly into the normal interosseous synovial recess


         6.      Posterior Intermalleolar ligament (IML)


IML is as a distinct separate ligament traversing between the posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL) and the ITL. (13) 

The configuration of the IML is variable, ranging from a thin set of fibers to a thick compact band. (13)

The IML clinically important as a cause of posterior impingement syndrome