Wrist, Finger MRI/Wrist ligament, instability

[Anatomy_25] Prestyloid Recess, ulnotriquetral ligament, Ulnomeniscal Homologue -01

MSK MRI 2022. 9. 11. 22:47


The prestyloid recess is a synovial-lined pouch with a direct connection to the rest of the radiocarpal compartment. It is most commonly a saccular space bordered by the meniscal homologue distally, the TFCC attachments to the ulnar styloid process proximally, and the central TFCC disk radially

There are several variations in the shape of the prestyloid recess.


Prestyloid recess is best seen on coronal image.

The prestyloid recess lies just radial to the ulnomeniscal homoloue, which has a typical triangular shape.

The ulnotriquetral ligament (UT) often has 2 normal perforations: a proximal opening to the prestyloid recess, and a distal pisotriquetral joint orifice.

The prestyloid recess perforation is found just ulnar to the union between the volar radioulnar ligament and the ulnotriquetral ligament.

Prestyloid recess lies at the anterior aspect of the ulnar styloid process.


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