✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 1. Meniscus

(Fig 1-B.31) Type 1 Stable partial root tear

MSK MRI 2024. 2. 6. 21:32



MRI Classification of Posterior Medial Meniscal Root Injuries: (AJR 2014; 203:1286–1292)

  • Choi et al. introduced an MRI-based classification for posterior medial meniscal root lesions. 
  • This classification encompasses a range of MRI findings related to meniscus posterior root attachment issues, including degeneration, partial tears, and complete tears.


Arthroscopic Classification of Meniscal Root Tears: (Am J Sports Med 2015; 43:363–369)

  • In 2015, LaPrade et al. outlined a classification system for meniscal tears based on their morphology during arthroscopic surgery. 
  • This classification comprises five distinct tear types and applies to tears in both the medial and lateral menisci occurring within 9 mm of the root attachment, as well as avulsion fractures of the meniscal root attachment.


Arthroscopic Classification Type 1: 

  • This type represents a partial tear of the posterior root of the medial meniscus, characterized by fluid signal intensity at the root insertion point. 
  • Additionally, subchondral and/or subenthesial linear bone marrow signal intensity is a secondary sign of a meniscal tear.

"Visualizing MSK Radiology: A Practical Guide to Radiology Mastery"

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Visualizing MSK Radiology

"Visualizing MSK Radiology: A Practical Guide to Radiology Mastery" © 2022 MSK MRI Jee Eun Lee All Rights Reserved. #VisualizingMSK
