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✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 1. Meniscus

(Fig 1-E.15) Transtibial Pullout Repair of Lateral Meniscus Posterior Root Tear

by MSK MRI 2024. 2. 10.



★ Transtibial Pullout Repair of Lateral Meniscus Posterior Root Tear ★

The lateral root repair technique is crucial, especially when dealing with lateral root tears that often accompany anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. 

The procedure involves several key steps:

1️⃣ Tissue Preparation and Suture Passage: 

These initial steps are carefully undertaken once the remnants of the ACL have been cleared from the notch.


2️⃣ Root Repair Tunnel Placement: 

Special attention is given to ensure that the tunnel for root repair is placed distally to where the tibial tunnel for the ACL graft will be, avoiding any interference.


3️⃣ Fixation: 

The root's fixation occurs after the ACL graft has been secured to the tibia, ensuring stability and proper alignment.


4️⃣ Postoperative Rehabilitation: 

Recovery is deliberately gradual, starting with a non-weight-bearing phase lasting 4-6 weeks. 

This slow progression is vital for the healing process, allowing the repair to strengthen before being subjected to significant stress.


"Visualizing MSK Radiology: A Practical Guide to Radiology Mastery"

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