✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 3.Collateral Ligaments

(Fig 3-B.32) Iliotibial Band Anatomy

MSK MRI 2024. 5. 23. 22:17




📌 Iliotibial Band Anatomy

  • The iliotibial band (ITB or IT band) is a thick band of fascia along the lateral aspect of the thigh, representing a thickening of the fascia lata.

Distal Insertions

  • At least 5 distal insertions have been described around the lateral knee, attaching to the distal femur, patella, proximal tibia, and joint capsule.

✅Superficial Layer

  • Main tendinous component
  • Inserts onto Gerdy's tubercle on anterior lateral tibia

✅Deep Layer

  • Attaches superficial layer to lateral supracondylar tubercle of femur
  • Blends into intermuscular septum at distal femur

✅Capsulo-Osseous Layer

  • Situated deep and posterior to deep layer
  • Forms a sling over lateral femoral condyle
  • Inserts onto tibial tuberosity posterior and proximal to Gerdy's tubercle
  • Some consider it the same as the anterolateral ligament


Radiol Clin North Am. 2018 Nov;56(6):935-951. 

Skeletal Radiol. 2017 May;46(5):605-622


"Visualizing MSK Radiology: A Practical Guide to Radiology Mastery"

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#ITBandAnatomy, #LateralKneeAnatomy, #OrthopedicAnatomy, #KneeInjuries, #RunningInjuries, #ITBFS, #LateralKneePain