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✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 4A. Patelloefemoral joint

(Fig 4-A.20) Tibial Tubercle Lateralization

by MSK MRI 2024. 6. 2.






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📌 Tibial Tubercle Lateralization


  • Tibial tubercle lateralization is a factor in patellar maltracking. It is measured using TT-TG (Tibial Tubercle to Trochlear Groove) and TT-PCL (Tibial Tubercle to Posterior Cruciate Ligament).

1️⃣ TT-TG:

  • Definition: Distance between the tibial tubercle and the trochlear groove.
  • Normal vs. Abnormal: >20 mm is abnormal.
  • Factors: Knee flexion and alignment influence the measurement. Slight knee flexion can reduce it by 1-2 mm.

2️⃣ TT-PCL:

  • Definition: Distance between the tibial tubercle and the posterior cruciate ligament.
  • Normal vs. Abnormal: >21-24 mm is abnormal.
  • Consideration: This may not always reflect true lateralization due to femoral rotation and knee flexion.

3️⃣ Transverse Offset:

  • Definition: Assesses tibial tubercle position relative to the lateral trochlear ridge on axial MR images.
  • Evaluation: Determines if the tibial tubercle is medial (normal, on track) or lateral (abnormal, off track) to the ridge.
  • Relevance: Important for recurrent patellar instability assessment.

✅ Clinical Implications:

  • Accurate measurement is essential for diagnosing and treating patellofemoral instability.
  • TT-TG is more commonly used and provides critical information for surgical decisions.

➡️ References:

Radiographics. 2023 Jun;43(6):e220177

Skeletal Radiology (2019) 48:859–869


"Visualizing MSK Radiology: A Practical Guide to Radiology Mastery"

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#TibialTubercleLateralization, #PatellarMaltracking, #TTTG, #TTPCL, #PatellofemoralInstability, #KneeSurgery, #OrthopedicRadiology,