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✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 4A. Patelloefemoral joint

(Fig 4-A.18) Patellar Height Measurements: Part 2

by MSK MRI 2024. 6. 2.





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📌Five PFI Indices for Assessing Patellar Height

1️⃣ Insall–Salvati Index (ISI)

  • Description: Ratio of patellar tendon length to patella length.
  • Normal Range: 0.8 to 1.2.
  • Abnormal Values: <0.8 (patella baja), >1.2 (patella alta).
  • Notes: Morphological variations can affect accuracy.


2️⃣ Modified Insall–Salvati Index (MISI)

  • Description: Ratio of the distance from patellar tendon insertion to the distal end of patellar cartilage and the length of the patellar articular surface.
  • Cut-off Value: 2.
  • Advantage: More sensitive to patellar morphology.
  • Disadvantage: Difficulty in identifying the distal end of the patellar articular surface.


3️⃣ Caton–Deschamps Index (CDI)

  • Description: Ratio of the distance from the upper limit of the tibia to the distal end of the patellar cartilage and the length of the patellar articular surface.
  • Normal Range: 0.6 to 1.2.
  • Abnormal Values: <0.6 (patella baja), >1.2 (patella alta).
  • Notes: Useful in various knee flexion degrees; challenges in osteoarthritic knees.


4️⃣ Blackburne–Peel Index (BPI)

  • Description: Ratio of the perpendicular distance from the tibial plateau line to the inferior margin of the patellar cartilage and the length of the patellar articular surface.
  • Normal Value: 0.8.
  • Abnormal Values: >1.0 (patella alta), <0.5 (patella baja).
  • Notes: Difficult to measure in CT/MRI due to non-flat tibial plateau.


5️⃣ Patellotrochlear Index (PTI)

  • Description: Ratio of the trochlear articular surface length to the patellar articular surface length.
  • Normal Range: 12.5% to 50%.
  • Abnormal Values: <12.5% (patella alta), >50% (patella baja).
  • Notes: Considered accurate for functional patella height on sagittal MRI.

➡️ References:

Knee Surg Relat Res. 2023 Mar 13;35(1):7


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#PatellarHeight, #InsallSalvatiIndex, #ModifiedInsallSalvatiIndex, #CatonDeschampsIndex, #BlackburnePeelIndex, #PatellotrochlearIndex, #Radiology, #KneeAssessment, #PatellaAlta, #PatellaBaja