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✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 4BCD. Anterior knee

(Fig 4-C.05) Pre-femoral Fat Pad

by MSK MRI 2024. 6. 17.





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📌 Posterior Suprapatellar (Prefemoral) Fat Pad

  • The posterior suprapatellar (prefemoral) fat pad can be a source of chronic anterior knee pain, particularly proximal to the superior pole of the patella. 
  • This condition may cause intermittent mechanical symptoms, such as a catching sensation during motion, when the fat pad snaps over the femoral condyles.


Chronic Impingement 

  • Chronic impingement of the prefemoral fat pad can lead to nonencapsulated fibrosis, which can result in intermittent catching sensations during movement . 
  • However, the association between pre-femoral fat pad edema and anterior knee pain is controversial, as it can also be an asymptomatic finding in high-level athletes .


Patterns of Edema 

Two different patterns of edema have been described within the pre-femoral fat pad :

1️⃣ Superior Aspect Close to the Midline 

  • Edema at the superior aspect close to the midline is believed to be caused by impingement due to a prominent suprapatellar osteophyte. This can lead to scalloping of the anterior femur and fibrous or cartilaginous metaplasia .


2️⃣ Inferolateral Part of the Fat Pad 

  • Edema in the inferolateral part of the fat pad is associated with patellar tendon-lateral femoral condyle friction syndrome, where impingement occurs between the superior aspect of the patella and the distal femur .



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  3. Skeletal Radiology (2020) 49:823–836


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