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✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 4BCD. Anterior knee

(Fig 4-C.14) Medial Synovial Fold of the PCL

by MSK MRI 2024. 6. 21.






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📌 Medial Synovial Fold of the PCL


  • The medial synovial fold of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) is a normal anatomical variant that can occasionally produce symptoms. 
  • This fold can be classified into three types based on its morphology and potential for causing impingement.


Classification of Medial Synovial Folds

1️⃣ Type A

  • No definite medial synovial fold.
  • Least likely to cause issues.


2️⃣ Type B (Inferior-Short Type)

  • Small synovial protrusion at the medial border.
  • Generally short, less likely to cause impingement or symptoms.


3️⃣ Type C (Inferior-Long Type)

  • Longer fold extending beyond an imaginary line from the medial tibial spine to the posterolateral aspect of the medial femoral condyle.
  • Significantly associated with PCL impingement and symptoms.

Clinical Implications

  • While PCL synovial folds are generally normal structures, they can sometimes cause pain if they become entrapped. 
  • This condition may necessitate surgical excision to alleviate the symptoms. 
  • In cases of vague, unexplained knee pain, careful observation of the PCL fold on MRI is crucial to identify any potential issues.


  1. J Comput Assist. Sep-Oct 2016;40(5):799-802
  2. Arthrosc Orthop Sports Med 2020;7:12-15


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