Medial meniscus is firmly attached to the tibia and femur, acting as a knee stabilizer, and preventing anterior translation, especially in the ACL-deficiency.
Ramp lesions, whose name reflects the ramp-like appearance of the posteromedial zone, are a particular type of injury within the posterior horn of the medial meniscus and its meniscocapsular attachments.
To date, there is no consensus regarding the definition of a ramp lesion.
Meniscal ramp lesions can be defined as longitudinal vertical and/or oblique peripheral tears in the posterior horn of medial meniscus, in a mediolateral direction of less than 2.0 cm, that may lead to meniscocapsular or meniscotibial disruption with a concomitant ACL injury
While various authors have differing definitions of what constitutes a “ramp lesion,” most include meniscocapsular separation and meniscosynovial tears, with variable inclusion of tears of the red-red zone of the peripheral posterior horn or junction of the posterior horn and body.

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