Knee MRI/Meniscus

[Tear_16] Ramp lesion_posteromedial capsular‐meniscal unit

MSK MRI 2021. 10. 19. 18:29

anatomy of posteromedial capsular‐meniscal unit

The meniscocapsular junction of posterior horn of medial meniscus is composed of the meniscocapsular ligament superiorly (also known as meniscosynovial or synovial membrane ligaments) and the meniscotibial ligament inferiorly, both of which attach peripherally into the posterior horn of the medial meniscus.

The meniscocapsular and meniscotibial ligament (MTL) merge to form a common attachment.
Together with the posterior horn of the medial meniscus, they form a functional unit that provides stability to the knee, acting as important stabilizers against anterior tibial translation and posteromedial rotation

The posterior capsule did not attach directly to the superior portion of the PHMM.
The posterior medial capsule attached inferior to the superior margin of the posterior medial meniscus at a mean depth of 36% of the total posterior meniscal height.

The MTL attached 6 mm distal to the articular cartilage margin of the posterior medial tibial plateau.

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#MSKMRI, #virtualMRI, #radiologist, #Knee_MRI, #MSKMRI_Knee, #Knee_anatomy, #Knee_meniscus, #meniscus, #Virtual_MRI, #MRI_illustrator, #medialmeniscus, #MM, #meniscustear, #medialmeniscustear, #Ramplesion, #longitudinaltear, #ACLtear,#meniscocapsularseparation