With popliteus tears, it is important to note
- the site of the tear (intra- articular or extra-articular),
- the extent of tear (partial or full-thickness),
- the presence of a bone fragment if there has been tendon avulsion
- degree of tendon retraction
Partial-thickness tear of the popliteus tendon, High-grade partial tearing of the PT at its femoral insertion
Most popliteus tears are extra-articular, involving the muscle or myotendinous portion.
Less commonly, injuries occur at the tendon, within the region of the popliteal hiatus, or near its femoral insertion
Normally, the popliteus tendon resists external rotation of the tibia, acting as both static and active restraint.
Injuries to the popliteus musculotendinous junction or femoral insertion are common in high-grade injuries to the PLC, with isolated injuries less common, representing less than 10% of popliteus injuries
[HYPERLINK] Posterolateral Corner of the Knee (SITE MAP)
[PCL 01] Introduction 01_ Posterolateral Corner of the Knee [PCL 02] Introduction 02_ Posterolat...
[PCL 01] Introduction 01_ Posterolateral Corner of the Knee
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[PCL 02] Introduction 02_ Posterolateral Corner of the Knee
대한민국 모임의 시작, 네이버 카페
[PCL 03] Iliotibial band, anatomy and pathology, anterolateral ligament
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[PCL 04] Biceps femoris, long head and short head, anatomy and pathology
대한민국 모임의 시작, 네이버 카페
[PCL 05] Lateral collateral ligament, fibular collateral ligament, anatomy and pathology
대한민국 모임의 시작, 네이버 카페
[PCL 06] 01 Popliteus musculotendinous complex, popliteomeniscal fascicle, popliteal bursa, cyamella
대한민국 모임의 시작, 네이버 카페
[PCL 07] 02. Popliteus musculotendinous complex, popliteomeniscal fascicle, popliteal bursa, cyam...
#popliteus, #popliteus muscle, #popliteus tendon, #posterolateral corner injury, #avulsion fractu...
[PCL 08] Popliteofibular ligament, anatomy and pathology
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[PCL 09] Fabellofibular ligament, fabellla, anatomy and pathology
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[PCL 10] Arcuate ligament, anatomy and pathology
대한민국 모임의 시작, 네이버 카페
[PCL 11] Popliteomeniscal fascicles, anatomy, and pathology
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[PCL 12] Midthird lateral capsular ligament (Anterolateral ligament), anatomy and pathology
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[PCL 13] Arcuate fracture, arcuate sign, posterolateral corner injury
대한민국 모임의 시작, 네이버 카페
[PCL 14] Segond fracture, Bond contusion, Avulsion, Gerdy tubercle, posterolateral corner injury
대한민국 모임의 시작, 네이버 카페
[PCL 15] Pitfalls, posterolateral corner PLC reconstruction
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