- Popliteus
The popliteus musculotendinous complex—consisting of the popliteus tendon, popliteus muscle, and PFL
The tendon, which is intracapsular, but extra-articular and extrasynovial, ascends around the posterolateral aspect of the knee
The tendinous attachment lies anteroinferior to the proximal attachment of the lateral collateral ligament on the lateral epicondyle
The average distance between the femoral attachments of the popliteus tendon and fibular collateral ligament was 18.5 mm.
- Popliteofibular ligament
The popliteofibular ligament extends from the popliteus tendon near the myotendinous junction to the posterior aspect of the fibular styloid process, posteromedial to the biceps insertion
- Lateral gastrocnemius tendon
The lateral gastrocnemius tendon becomes adherent to the posterior capsule of the knee at the level of the fabella, and inserts onto the distal femur at the supracondylar process, just posterior to the fibular collateral ligament attachment
- Lateral collateral ligament
The fibular collateral ligament, or lateral collateral ligament, originates from the distal femur in a fanlike fashion between the lateral epicondyle and supracondylar process (attaching just proximal and posterior to the lateral epicondyle), and directly anterior to the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle.
#MSKMRI, #virtualMRI, #radiologist, #musculoskeletal
#Popliteus, #posterolateralcorner, #PLCI, #LCL, #Bicepsfemoris, #popliteofibular, #anatomy
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