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✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 3.Collateral Ligaments

(Fig 3-A.04) MCL(medial collateral ligament) and POL(Posterior oblique ligament) Attachments

by MSK MRI 2024. 5. 4.




📌 Attachments of the medial collateral and posterior oblique ligaments

1️⃣ sMCL-femoral attachment

Historically reported to be attached to the medial epicondyle (ME)

LaPrade et al.: Recent publications suggest the attachment is 3.2mm proximal and 4.8mm posterior to the ME 

Imperial College London: demonstrated that the sMCL covers the ME, with the attachment centered 1-2mm proximal

2️⃣ sMCL-tibial attachment

A proximal site 10-12mm distal to the joint line (primarily to soft tissues)

A broader attachment 42-71mm from the joint line

3️⃣ dMCL-femoral attachment

An important independent stabilizer, despite being adherent to the articular capsule

Proximal to the sMCL (6mm distal and 5mm posterior to the medial epicondyle)

15-17mm above the femoral articular cartilage

4️⃣ dMCL-tibial attachment

Runs distally from posterior to anterior

Ends in a fan-wide tibial attachment around 8mm distal to the joint line

Has two major expansions to the meniscus: meniscofemoral and meniscotibial ligament

5️⃣ POL-femoral attachment

Composed of obliquely oriented fibers extending from the distal tendon of the SM toward the femur

Anteriorly blends with the posterior margin of the sMCL and posteriorly reinforces the articular capsule

Accepted as an individual structure, located 6.4mm posterior and 7.7mm distal to the adductor tubercle

6️⃣ POL-distal attachment (central arm)

Distal attachment primarily to the posteromedial aspect of the medial meniscus, the meniscotibial portion of the posteromedial capsule, and the posteromedial part of the tibia

"Visualizing MSK Radiology: A Practical Guide to Radiology Mastery"

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