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✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 4A. Patelloefemoral joint

(Fig 4-A.38) Vastus medialis oblique (VMO) Muscle Injury

by MSK MRI 2024. 6. 6.





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📌 Soft Tissue Injuries in Patellar Dislocation

  • Soft-tissue injury characteristic of transient patellar dislocation primarily takes place at the medial retinacular structures, particularly the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL).
  •  A tear of the MPFL is often associated with adjacent soft tissue edema, bruising, and elevation of the vastus medialis obliquus (VMO) muscle.

★  Additional soft-tissue indicators of patellofemoral dislocation include

Edema in the distal vastus medialis muscle, which can be stripped from the intermuscular septum and medially displaced.


✅ VMO Muscle Elevation

  • On imaging, VMO muscle elevation is defined as the distance between the undersurface of the VMO and the superior aspect of the medial femoral condyle on sagittal MR images at the level of the adductor tubercle.



  • RadioGraphics 2018; 38:2069–2101
  • Skeletal Radiol. 2018 Aug;47(8):1069-1086


"Visualizing MSK Radiology: A Practical Guide to Radiology Mastery"

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#PatellaDislocation, #MPFL, #SoftTissueInjury, #VMOMuscle, #Edema, #AnteromedialSwelling, #MRImaging, #AdductorTubercle, #MedialRetinacularStructures, #MuscleElevation