✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 4A. Patelloefemoral joint

(Fig 4-A.43) Retear of MPFL Reconstruction

MSK MRI 2024. 6. 7. 18:06





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📌MPFL Reconstruction

  • Mainstay treatment for recurrent patellar dislocations
  • Involves recreating the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) using a tendon graft
  • Proper femoral tunnel positioning is critical to avoid excessive cartilage loading


✅  Surgical Techniques

  • Double-stranded gracilis tendon autograft commonly used
  • Graft fixed to medial patella and femur with bone anchors
  • May be combined with additional osseous procedures


✅  Adjunctive Procedures

  • Trochleoplasty to reshape the trochlear groove
  • Tibial tubercle osteotomy to unload lateral facet
  • Derotational osteotomy to correct malrotation


✅  Complications of MPFL Reconstruction

  • Graft failure, malposition, medial subluxation, patellar fracture
  • Hardware issues
  • Premature physeal closure in skeletally immature patients


▶️  Imaging Evaluation

  • Low signal intensity of graft makes MPFL evaluation challenging on MRI
  • Look for fluid-filled defects to detect graft tears


✅  Lateral Capsular Release 

  • May contribute to patellofemoral instability near full extension
  • Can cause excessive scarring and patellar tilt


References: Radiographics. 2023 Jun;43(6):e220177 RadioGraphics 2010; 30:961-981

#patellardislocation #MPFLreconstruction #trochleoplasty #tibialtubercleosteotomy #derotationalosteotomy #autograft #complications #imaging #lateralrelease #orthopedicsurgery