전체 글 718

[Knee-01] Tear of anteroinferior popliteomeniscal fascicle, posterolateral corner injury

https://youtu.be/he2-XqAyvaA * The popliteomeniscal fascicles arise from the periphery of the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus and form a posterolateral meniscocapsular extension, which creates the popliteus hiatus. * The fascicles not only form the hiatus, which allows the popliteus tendon an avenue to course intra-articularly and maintain the integrity of the joint but stabilize and cont..

Knee MRI 2022.12.21

[Wrist_02] Scapholunate ligament tear and Dorsal capsulo-scapholunate septum tear

https://youtu.be/R_DCrdBY9Pg https://www.instagram.com/msk_mri/ MSKMRI(@msk_mri) • Instagram 사진 및 동영상 팔로워 1,850명, 팔로잉 84명, 게시물 194개 - MSKMRI(@msk_mri)님의 Instagram 사진 및 동영상 보기 www.instagram.com The scapholunate ligament (SLL) is a C-shaped structure, and has 3 histologically and functionally distinct components, dorsal, volar and proximal (interosseous) components. The dorsal part of the scapholu..

Wrist, Finger MRI 2022.12.20

[Ankle and Foot_04] Dorsal calcaneocuboid joint injury, Peroneus brevis tendon tear

https://www.instagram.com/msk_mri/ The calcaneocuboid joint is stabilized by the dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament, short and long plantar ligaments, and calcaneocuboid component of the bifurcate ligament. ​​The calcaneocuboid joint capsule is reinforced dorsolaterally by the dorsal calcaneocuboid ligament The long and short plantar ligaments (sometimes referred to together as the plantar or inferi..

✅ Ankle MRI 2022.12.18

[Wrist_01] Madelung deformity, carpal instability adaptive, Vicker’s ligament

The commonly used Mayo classification divides carpal instability into four major categories. 1. Carpal instability dissociative (CID), where there is dissociation of the bones in a single carpal row. The proximal carpal row is most commonly affected (i.e., SL instability; lunotriquetral instability). Distal carpal row dissociation is rare. 2. Carpal instability nondissociative includes instabili..

Wrist, Finger MRI 2022.12.18

[Shoulder_02] Rotator cuff footprint, Articular-delaminated partial-thickness tear of the infraspinatus tendon

Articular-surface partial-thickness tear with intratendinous horizontal splitting tear of the infraspinatus tendon Intact supraspinatus tendon The footprint of the supraspinatus on the greater tuberosity is much smaller than previously believed, and this area of the greater tuberosity is actually occupied by a substantial amount of the infraspinatus. The anterior part of the infraspinatus partia..

✅ Shoulder MRI 2022.12.18

[Shoulder_01] Rotator cuff footprint, supraspinatus, and infraspinatus tendons

Relatively small, triangular, the anteromedial footprint of the supraspinatus tendon at the superior facet and a comparatively large, trapezoidal footprint of the infraspinatus tendon occupying the anterolateral portion of the superior facet and the entire middle facet. The footprint of the supraspinatus had a triangular shape, which tapered away from the joint capsule. The footprint of the infr..

✅ Shoulder MRI 2022.12.18

[Ankle and Foot_02] Two fascicles of the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL)

The anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) is composed of the superior (S-ATFL) and inferior fascicle (I-ATFL). Both fascicles have a contiguous footprint on the anterior distal fibula border, however, their distal insertion on the talus is located apart from each other. The superior fascicle of the ATFL is a distinct anatomical structure, whereas the inferior ATFL fascicle and the CFL share some ..

✅ Ankle MRI 2022.12.12

[Ankle and Foot_01] anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), and posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL)

The lateral ligament complex of the ankle consists of the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), calcaneofibular ligament (CFL), and posterior talofibular ligament. This ligament plays an important role in limiting anterior displacement, internal rotation of the talus, and plantar flexion of the ankle The anterior talofibular ligament extends from the anterolateral malleolar tip to the talar neck..

✅ Ankle MRI 2022.12.11

[PCL 07] 02. Popliteus musculotendinous complex, popliteomeniscal fascicle, popliteal bursa, cyamella

With popliteus tears, it is important to note - the site of the tear (intra- articular or extra-articular), - the extent of tear (partial or full-thickness), - the presence of a bone fragment if there has been tendon avulsion - degree of tendon retraction Partial-thickness tear of the popliteus tendon, High-grade partial tearing of the PT at its femoral insertion Most popliteus tears are extra-a..

Knee MRI 2022.11.19