✅ Shoulder MRI/[Case] 3

[Shoulder_Case_#04] [Moderate level] Parsonage turner syndrome, shoulder pain

Innervation Supraspinatus muscle : suprascapular nerve (C5,6) Infraspinatus muscle : suprascapular nerve (C5-6) Teres minor muscle : axillary nerve (C5-6) Subscapularis muscle : upper and lower subscapular nerves (C5-6) Deltoid muscle : axillary nerve (C5-6) Triceps brachii muscle: radial nerve, branches of ulnar nerve Teres major muscle : lower subscapular nerve (C5, C6) Teres minor muscle : ax..

[Shoulder_Case_#03] [Challenging level] Acute calcific periarthritis

Supraspinatus calcific tendinitis is well known; However, calcific deposits may occur less commonly in other structures in and around the shoulder joint (The long head of the biceps tendon, labrum, and periarticular soft tissue). In view of involvement of these other sites, the more appropriate term for the condition is calcific periarthritis Small calcifications may sometimes be missed, especia..

[Shoulder_Case_#02] [Challenging level] Acute calcific periarthritis

Acute calcific periarthritis (ACP) is a self-limiting, monoarticular, peri-articular process of dystrophic mineral deposition and adjacent inflammation. The majority of cases involve the shoulder. Less commonly, there may be involvement of the hip, knee, ankle, foot, elbow, wrist, and fingers. Patients present with a sudden onset of pain, localized swelling, erythema, tenderness, and restricted ..