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[Rotator cuff Anatomy 03] Anatomy of Rotator Cuff Footprints, 회전근개, shoulder MRI

https://youtu.be/fexJ5KOFHF8 - YouTube www.youtube.com 카페에 가입하시면 더 많은 동영상을 보실 수 있습니다. 영상의학과 전공의 및 전문의 선생님을 위한 공간입니다. https://cafe.naver.com/studywithmskmri 스터디위드 MSKMRI : 네이버 카페 MSK MRI와 즐겁게 공부하고 공유하는 영상의학과 의사들의 모임 cafe.naver.com 네이버에 스터디위드mskmri로 검색하셔도 됩니다. (해당 카페는 교육용 목적으로 만들었으며, 비상업적인 곳입니다.) (하지만 제 이미지 및 컨텐츠를 개인 공부 용도 이외에 사용하시려면 저에게 연락을 주세요) 카페에 가입하시면 해당 이미지를 pdf로 다운받아서 같이 보실 수 있습니다. 영상이 마음에 ..

✅ Shoulder MRI 2022.10.11

[Wrist/Finger_Case_#04] flexor carpi radialis brevis vel profundus, accessory muscle

The flexor carpi radialis brevis vel profundus extends from the distal radius to the capitate and base of the third and fourth metacarpals. It passes between the pronator quadratus and FCR muscles. Many accessory muscles have been described in the hand. Most are asymptomatic, but they can be a cause of compressive neuropathy or a palpable soft tissue mass. Detection can be difficult because the ..

[Wrist/Finger_Case_#03] Palmer classification IB3. Complete avulsion, TFCC tear, anatomy

Illustration of IB complete tear showed the detachment of both the fovea and the styloid insertions of the TFC. It involves both the foveal and the styloid insertions of the TFC and shows the irregular high signal intensity. Other signs may include altered morphology, focal synovitis, and fluid accumulation. The complete tear is typically associated with DRUJ instability. Theoretically, it may r..

[Ankle/foot_Case_#05] Fracture through the ATFL talar tunnel, lateral ankle ligament reconstruction

When instability persists despite an anatomic repair, many surgeons turn to anatomic lateral ankle ligament reconstruction with autogenous or allogenic tendons. Several techniques have been described and most require the creation of two transosseous tunnels in the distal fibula, one for the ATFL and one for the CFL. The popularity of these procedures has been increasing over the last decade with..

[Ankle/foot_Case_#05] [Easy level] Normal anatomy and ATFL complete tear, CFL partial tear

ATFL The ATFL is best imaged on axial T1 or high-resolution PD MR images, appearing as a flat, thin, homogeneous band of low signal intensity arising from the anterior margin of the lateral malleolus and coursing anteromedially downward to attach onto the neck of the talus, just anterior to the fibular articular cartilage. The CFL is large, strong, and cordlike. It arises from the deep aspect of..

[Shoulder_Case_#04] [Moderate level] Parsonage turner syndrome, shoulder pain

Innervation Supraspinatus muscle : suprascapular nerve (C5,6) Infraspinatus muscle : suprascapular nerve (C5-6) Teres minor muscle : axillary nerve (C5-6) Subscapularis muscle : upper and lower subscapular nerves (C5-6) Deltoid muscle : axillary nerve (C5-6) Triceps brachii muscle: radial nerve, branches of ulnar nerve Teres major muscle : lower subscapular nerve (C5, C6) Teres minor muscle : ax..

[Shoulder_Case_#03] [Challenging level] Acute calcific periarthritis

Supraspinatus calcific tendinitis is well known; However, calcific deposits may occur less commonly in other structures in and around the shoulder joint (The long head of the biceps tendon, labrum, and periarticular soft tissue). In view of involvement of these other sites, the more appropriate term for the condition is calcific periarthritis Small calcifications may sometimes be missed, especia..