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✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 4BCD. Anterior knee

(Fig 4-D.12) Gastrocnemius Ganglia

by MSK MRI 2024. 6. 25.






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📌 Gastrocnemius Ganglia


  • Gastrocnemius ganglia are cystic formations commonly found at the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle. 
  • These ganglia are often multiseptated and can be detected through knee MRI.


✅ Extra-capsular ganglia at the gastrocnemius origin

  • Extra-capsular ganglia at the gastrocnemius origin are frequently observed on knee MRI. 
  • They exhibit typical features of ganglia found at other sites. High-grade osteoarthritis has a significant association with the presence of extra-capsular ganglia.


✅ Classification of Ganglia

  • Intra-capsular Ganglia: These cystic lesions protrude into the PCGU but remain confined to its most superficial margin.
  • Extra-capsular Ganglia: These ganglia extend beyond the superficial margin of the PCGU.


✅ Developmental Stages of Ganglia

  1. Early Stage: A crescentic ganglion develops at the inner surface of the PCGU.
  2. Early-Intermediate Stage: The cyst within the intra-capsular location transforms into a rounded shape.
  3. Intermediate Stage: The rounded ganglion extends into the extra-capsular area.
  4. Intermediate-Late Stage: A multilobulate extra-capsular ganglion with internal septa and unclear intra-articular communication forms.
  5. Late Stage: The ganglion becomes encapsulated and remains extra-capsular, lacking intra-articular communication.



  1. Indian J Radiol Imaging. 2014 Apr;24(2):182-91
  2. Clinical Radiology 73 (2018) 835.e17e835.e25


"Visualizing MSK Radiology: A Practical Guide to Radiology Mastery"

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#GastrocnemiusGanglia, #KneeMRI, #HighGradeOsteoarthritis, #PCGU, #IntraCapsularGanglia, #ExtraCapsularGanglia, #GanglionDevelopment, #Radiology, #MusculoskeletalRadiology, #MedicalImaging