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✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 1. Meniscus

(Fig 1-C.04) Type II Incomplete discoid meniscus

by MSK MRI 2024. 2. 8.



Type II: partial or incomplete discoid lateral meniscus 

A partial or incomplete discoid lateral meniscus that has a semi-lunar morphology, covering up to 80% of the surface of the lateral tibial plateau, with a normal posterior capsular attachment

1. MRI diagnostic criteria of Discoid meniscus

  • Discoid meniscus is diagnosed when the body of the meniscus measures 15 mm or more on a midline coronal image or when three or more bow-tie shapes are identified on contiguous sagittal (4-mm-thick) images


2. MRI diagnostic criteria of Discoid meniscus

  • The ratio of lateral meniscus-to-tibia (RMT) width is a more accurate method to determine the presence of a discoid lateral meniscus on MRI.
  • The ratio of the minimal meniscal width to the maximal tibial width of more than 20% may be used.

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