✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 1. Meniscus

(Fig 1-C.08) Degenerated and torn lateral discoid meniscus

MSK MRI 2024. 2. 8. 20:08




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1️⃣ Discoid Menisci and Surgical Considerations:

  • Detection & Treatment: Discoid menisci are usually found incidentally. Treatment is for those with symptoms and suspected tears, which are common in the complete discoid meniscus, often showing horizontal or longitudinal patterns.
  • Surgical Recommendation: Meniscectomy is often recommended for symptomatic discoid meniscus without requiring grade 3 signal intensity.

2️⃣ Tear Diagnosis in Discoid Meniscus:

  • Challenges: Variable sensitivity and specificity due to increased vascularity and diffuse signal intensity. Diagnosis relies more on shape distortion than signal abnormalities.
  • Tear Indicators: A linear signal contacting the articular surface strongly indicates a tear. A diffuse signal to the surface suggests a possible tear but has a low PPV (57%–78%).


  • Criteria: Increased signal and shape deformation may indicate a tear. Horizontal cleavage tears are particularly suspicious in children under 10.

3️⃣ Notable Signs:

  • Mucinous Degeneration: Thick grade 2 signal on sagittal images.
  • Empty Meniscus Sign: Diffuse signal with hypointense borders, associated with chronic symptoms.


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