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✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 2.ACL and PCL

(Fig 2-E.17) Partial Tears of PCL and Intact MFL

by MSK MRI 2024. 3. 16.



🔴Partial Tear of PCL

1️⃣Frequency and Diagnosis Challenges:

  • Partial tears are more common in the PCL than in the ACL.
  • An acutely torn PCL can appear as a continuous structure in 62% to 75% of cases, making it difficult to differentiate between complete and partial tears.
  • Reference: Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am. 2022 May;30(2):261-275.

2️⃣Imaging Characteristics:

  • Intrasubstance fluid signal intensity on T2-weighted images is observed in only 19% of partial tears.
  • A striated appearance is more common in partial tears, with up to 71% of cases demonstrating this appearance.
  • Reference: Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 22 (2014) 557–580.



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