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✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 2.ACL and PCL

(Fig 2-E.28) PCL Graft Ligamentization

by MSK MRI 2024. 4. 29.



PCL graft ligamentization is the process of remodeling and revascularization that a tendon graft undergoes after being used for posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) reconstruction surgery. This process can be divided into three phases:

1.Early phase (0-3 months):

  • The graft is avascular (no blood supply)
  • It appears hypointense (dark) on all MRI sequences, similar to the donor tendon


2.Ligamentization phase (4-8 months):

  • The graft undergoes remodeling and resynovialization (formation of a new synovial lining)
  • High signal intensity may appear on T2-weighted MRI, but should be lower than fluid signal
  • Fiber continuity must be observed, and this should not be mistaken for a tear or impingement


3. Maturation phase (1-2 years):

  • The graft appearance should become similar to the native PCL
  • It appears hypointense on all MRI sequences

During the ligamentization phase, the high signal intensity on MRI is a normal finding and should not be interpreted as a tear or impingement, as long as fiber continuity is maintained, and the signal is lower than fluid signal.

Skeletal Radiol. 2014 Dec;43(12):1659-68.

"Visualizing MSK Radiology: A Practical Guide to Radiology Mastery" © 2022 MSK MRI Jee Eun Lee All Rights Reserved. No unauthorized reproduction, redistribution, or use for AI training. #pcl, #pclinjury, #PCLreconstruction, #PCLsurgery, #Ligamentization