✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 3.Collateral Ligaments

(Fig 3-A.07) Grade I injury of the superficial medial collateral ligament (sMCL)

MSK MRI 2024. 5. 5. 07:44




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📌 Grading MCL Injuries on MRI

  • Injury Patterns Injuries to the medial collateral ligament (MCL) of the knee are extremely common, often resulting from valgus loading forces. 
  • While proximal ruptures are more frequent, any combination of injury locations can occur.

✅MRI Grading System

 Radiologists typically grade MCL injuries on MRI using a three-tier system, despite its better applicability to clinical assessment. 

  • Grade 1 denotes edema around an intact MCL, 
  • grade 2 indicates ligamentous attenuation and thickening, and 
  • grade 3 signifies complete discontinuity.

✅ Discrepancies with Clinical Grading 

  • However, there is only fair agreement between MRI and clinical grading, with MRI tending to overestimate injury severity when discrepancies exist. 
  • Although the three MRI grades aim to reflect injury extent, they frequently diverge from the clinical picture.


"Visualizing MSK Radiology: A Practical Guide to Radiology Mastery"

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