✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 4BCD. Anterior knee

(Fig 4-B.06) Symptomatic Bipartite Patella

MSK MRI 2024. 6. 10. 23:52




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📌 Symptomatic Bipartite or Multipartite Patella


✅ MRI Findings:

  • Edema in the bipartite fragment
  • Fluid signal at the synchondrosis, suggesting pseudarthrosis
  • Cystic subchondral marrow changes at the synchondrosis in chronic cases
  • Fluid signal may be seen between the fragment and the patella


✅ Cartilage Involvement:

  • Articular cartilage overlying the synchondrosis typically remains intact, even in advanced disease


✅ Treatment:

  • Surgical excision or lateral retinacular release for symptomatic bipartite patella



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  3. RadioGraphics 2018; 38:2069–2101
  4. Stoller's Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine: by Stoller MD FACR, David W. LWW, 2016


#bipartitepatella, #multipartitepatella, #anteriorkneepainsyndrome, #patellarsyndrome, #MRIfindings, #pseudarthrosis, #subchondralcyst, #articularcartilage, #surgicalexcision, #lateralretinacularrelease.