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✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 2.ACL and PCL

(Fig 2-E.10) PCL Ganglia and Mucoid degeneration

by MSK MRI 2024. 3. 16.



1️⃣PCL Ganglia

  • PCL ganglia typically appear as well-defined multilocular cysts adjacent to and along the dorsal PCL surface.
  • Differential diagnosis should be made from a posteromedial meniscal cyst extending centrally within the joint, predominantly posterior to the PCL.
  • Reference: Insights Imaging (2013) 4:257–272

2️⃣Mucoid Degeneration and Ganglia

  • Mucoid degeneration and ganglia are likely to represent a continuum of degenerative changes of the PCL.
  • Mucoid degeneration is believed to share a common origin with intra-articular ganglia (or ganglion cysts).
  • Although the etiology of mucoid degeneration and ganglia is not clearly elucidated, it reflects a continuum of degenerative changes.
  • Reference: Acta Radiol. 2017 Mar;58(3):338-343




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