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✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 4BCD. Anterior knee

(Fig 4-B.01) Anatomy of the Multilayered Quadriceps Tendon/ Part 1

by MSK MRI 2024. 6. 9.




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📌 Overview of Quadriceps Tendon: 

The quadriceps tendon has a unique laminated appearance on sagittal MR images, with low-signal intensity bands separated by linear fat.

 It can appear in different configurations: trilaminar (56%), bilaminar (30%), or quadrilaminar (8% )


1️⃣ Most Superficial Layer:

  • Originates from the rectus femoris muscle.


2️⃣ Intermediate Layer:

  • Formed by the fusion of the tendons of the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis.
  • Attaches to the anterosuperior surface of the proximal patella, posterior to the rectus femoris insertion.
  • Vastus lateralis tendon is anterior to vastus medialis tendon in the thigh, converging at the patella【RadioGraphics 2018; 38:2069–2101】.


3️⃣ Deepest Layer:

  • Comprised of the vastus intermedius tendon, which inserts into the anterosuperior surface of the patella.


✅ Additional Structures:


1️⃣ Tensor of Vastus Intermedius (TVI):

  • Newly discovered muscle in the intermediate layer.
  • Located between the vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius.
  • Merges with a broad, flat aponeurosis before attaching to the medial patella.


2️⃣ Prepatellar Quadriceps Continuation:

  • Consists of rectus femoris tendon fibers connecting the quadriceps and patellar tendons.
  • Very thin and adherent to the patella, making differentiation from the patellar cortex challenging.


3️⃣ Articularis Genus (Articular Muscle of the Knee):

  • Originates from the distal femur.
  • Seen on sagittal MR imaging in most patients.
  • Stabilizes the suprapatellar recess and joint capsule during extension.
  • Deepest component of the extensor mechanism, inserting on the suprapatellar pouch



  • RadioGraphics 2018; 38:2069–2101
  • Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 22 (2014) 601–620
  • Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2018 Mar;26(3):727-738
  • Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2018 Mar;26(3):727-738
  • AJR 2009; 192:W111–W116


"Visualizing MSK Radiology: A Practical Guide to Radiology Mastery"

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#QuadricepsTendon, #SagittalMRI, #MusculoskeletalImaging, #RectusFemoris, #VastusLateralis, #VastusMedialis, #VastusIntermedius, #TensorVastusIntermedius, #PrepatellarQuadriceps, #ArticularisGenus