Knee MRI 81

[Case_Adv] Accessory Iliotibial Band-Meniscal Ligament, normal variant, lateral meniscus The anatomic variation of the anterolateral fixation of the lateral meniscus to the ITB, which we have termed the “accessory iliotibial band–meniscal ligament” or “AIML.” An AIML was present in 13.3% of all patients (136/1019). AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2019 Oct;213(4):912-917. Although the attachments of the anterior and posterior horn are relatively consistent, the ante..

Knee MRI 2023.02.02

[Knee-01] Tear of anteroinferior popliteomeniscal fascicle, posterolateral corner injury * The popliteomeniscal fascicles arise from the periphery of the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus and form a posterolateral meniscocapsular extension, which creates the popliteus hiatus. * The fascicles not only form the hiatus, which allows the popliteus tendon an avenue to course intra-articularly and maintain the integrity of the joint but stabilize and cont..

Knee MRI 2022.12.21

[PCL 07] 02. Popliteus musculotendinous complex, popliteomeniscal fascicle, popliteal bursa, cyamella

With popliteus tears, it is important to note - the site of the tear (intra- articular or extra-articular), - the extent of tear (partial or full-thickness), - the presence of a bone fragment if there has been tendon avulsion - degree of tendon retraction Partial-thickness tear of the popliteus tendon, High-grade partial tearing of the PT at its femoral insertion Most popliteus tears are extra-a..

Knee MRI 2022.11.19

[Knee_Case_#03] [Typical case] Flap tear of the meniscus, Changing slope sign,

The nondisplaced component of a flap tear may demonstrate a changing slope contour of its superior surface. Criteria for diagnosis of a flap tear based on sagittal images include: * A vertical tear encompassing the inner third of the meniscus,either coapted or noncoapted * Relative deficiency of the inner third of the inferior meniscal surface with associated blunting of the remaining inferior l..

Knee MRI/[Case] 2022.09.17

[Knee_Case_#02] pullout fixation for avulsion fractures of the PCL from the tibia

Treatment of avulsion fractures of the PCL depends on the degree of avulsion fracture displacement. Conservative therapy is generally performed if the degree of avulsion fracture displacement is mild, whereas surgery is performed in patients with significant displacement and posterior tibial instability. In the past, internal fixation was highly invasive, requiring a marked opening of the back o..

Knee MRI/[Case] 2022.09.15

[Pages_Knee] 01.Sinding-Larsen-Johansson syndrome vs patellar sleeve fracture

고화질의 PDF를 보시고 싶으시다면 [영상의학과 공부 맛집] 카페 회원이 되어주세요~영상의학 의사들의 공부방입니다. 스터디위드 MSKMRI : 네이버 카페 MSK MRI와 즐겁게 공부하고 공유하는 영상의학과 의사들의 모임 In the child, overuse injury of the proximal patellar tendon (Sinding-Larsen–Johansson syndrome) is a rare self-limiting condition. SLJ is an enchondral ossification disorder of the inferior pole of the patella, and is part of the osteochondrosis spectrum of ..

Knee MRI 2022.06.04