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✅ Knee MRI Mastery/Chap 4BCD. Anterior knee

(Fig 4-B.26) Pre-Patellar Friction Syndrome

by MSK MRI 2024. 6. 16.






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📌 Pre-Patellar Friction Syndrome

✅ Anatomy:

  • Superficial Layer: Transverse orientation to the patella.
  • Intermediate Layer: Oblique orientation, arising from the expansion of the vastus medialis and lateralis with some contribution from the superficial fibers of rectus femoris.
  • Deep Layer: The Prepatellar Quadriceps Continuation, Longitudinal orientation, formed by the deep fibers of rectus femoris, adherent to the underlying bone, and continuing inferiorly to become part of the patellar tendon.


✅ Clinical Features:

  • Anterior knee pain during physical exertion.
  • Point tenderness over the superior pole of the patella, mostly at the medial aspect.
  • Caused by repetitive motion leading to the superficial and intermediate layers of the pre-patellar soft tissues rubbing against the fixed deep layer.


✅ Diagnosis:

  • Ultrasound: Demonstrates fascial defects.
  • MRI: Expected to show oedematous swelling of the pre-patellar soft tissues.
    Defects in the thinnest superficial layer observed during surgery, with possible defects in the intermediate layer.
    Inflammation in the deepest layer without tears.
  • ★ Important to differentiate from pre-patellar bursitis on MRI.

Skeletal Radiology (2020) 49:823–836

"Visualizing MSK Radiology: A Practical Guide to Radiology Mastery"

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#PrePatellarFrictionSyndrome, #KneePain, #CyclingInjury, #AnteriorKneePain, #MRI, #Ultrasound, #OrthopedicSurgery, #SportsInjury, #KneeAnatomy, #MedicalResearch