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[Anatomy_01] Palmar extrinsic ligaments, RCL, RSC, LRL, SRL, RSLB, WRIST MRI The palmar extrinsic ligaments are more important in wrist stabilization as they are thicker and stronger than the dorsal extrinsic wrist ligaments. The palmar extrinsic ligaments are more important in wrist stabilization as they are thicker and stronger than the dorsal extrinsic wrist ligaments. Radial collateral ligament, Radioscaphocapitate ligament, Long radiolunate ligament, radiolunotrique.. 2022. 8. 29.
[Shoulder_Case_01] Ankylosing Spondylitis in shoulder, mimic Hill-Sachs lesion, Here is a large superolateral humeral head erosion and synovial thickening and joint effusion. Is this a Hill-Sachs Lesion? Hill-Sachs lesions are strongly associated with anteroinferior glenoid fracture, anteroinferior glenoid labrum tear (Bankart lesion), and joint capsular injury. However, there are several common non-traumatic bones and joint diseases that rarely mimic Hill-Sachs lesions. An.. 2022. 6. 6.
[Pages_shoulder_02] 01. Ankylosing Spondylitis in the shoulder, mimic Hill-Sachs References Herring A, Davis DL. Mimickers of Hill-Sachs Lesions [Formula: see text]. Can Assoc Radiol J. 2021 May;72(2):258-270. doi: 10.1177/0846537119895751. Epub 2020 Feb 6. PMID: 32063021; PMCID: PMC7415664. ​ Sankaye P, Ostlere S. Arthritis at the shoulder joint. Semin Musculoskelet Radiol. 2015 Jul;19(3):307-18. doi: 10.1055/ s-0035-1549324. Epub 2015 May 28. PMID: 26021591. ​ Fritz LB, Ou.. 2022. 6. 6.
[Pages_shoulder_01] 01. Ankylosing Spondylitis in the shoulder, mimic Hill-Sachs References Herring A, Davis DL. Mimickers of Hill-Sachs Lesions [Formula: see text]. Can Assoc Radiol J. 2021 May;72(2):258-270. doi: 10.1177/0846537119895751. Epub 2020 Feb 6. PMID: 32063021; PMCID: PMC7415664. ​ Sankaye P, Ostlere S. Arthritis at the shoulder joint. Semin Musculoskelet Radiol. 2015 Jul;19(3):307-18. doi: 10.1055/ s-0035-1549324. Epub 2015 May 28. PMID: 26021591. ​ Fritz LB, Ou.. 2022. 6. 6.
[MindMap_02] 01. Mimic Hill-Sachs lesion, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Septic, Amyloid References Herring A, Davis DL. Mimickers of Hill-Sachs Lesions [Formula: see text]. Can Assoc Radiol J. 2021 May;72(2):258-270. doi: 10.1177/0846537119895751. Epub 2020 Feb 6. PMID: 32063021; PMCID: PMC7415664. Sankaye P, Ostlere S. Arthritis at the shoulder joint. Semin Musculoskelet Radiol. 2015 Jul;19(3):307-18. doi: 10.1055/ s-0035-1549324. Epub 2015 May 28. PMID: 26021591. Fritz LB, Ouelle.. 2022. 6. 6.
[MindMap_01] 01. Ankylosing Spondylitis in the shoulder, mimic Hill-Sachs lesion References Herring A, Davis DL. Mimickers of Hill-Sachs Lesions [Formula: see text]. Can Assoc Radiol J. 2021 May;72(2):258-270. doi: 10.1177/0846537119895751. Epub 2020 Feb 6. PMID: 32063021; PMCID: PMC7415664. Sankaye P, Ostlere S. Arthritis at the shoulder joint. Semin Musculoskelet Radiol. 2015 Jul;19(3):307-18. doi: 10.1055/ s-0035-1549324. Epub 2015 May 28. PMID: 26021591. Fritz LB, Ouelle.. 2022. 6. 6.
[Knee_Case_01] Sinding-Larsen-Johansson syndrome A 13-year-old girl rode her bike 30 minutes a day to school for two months with anterior knee pain without any history of direct trauma. what is the diagnosis? Sinding Larsen Johansson Syndrome (SLJS) is a juvenile osteochondrosis and traction epiphysitis affecting the extensor mechanism of the knee Some authors classify Sinding-Larsen-Johansson disease as a pediatric version of "jumper's knee"... 2022. 6. 4.
[Pages_Knee] 01.Sinding-Larsen-Johansson syndrome vs patellar sleeve fracture 고화질의 PDF를 보시고 싶으시다면 [영상의학과 공부 맛집] 카페 회원이 되어주세요~영상의학 의사들의 공부방입니다. 스터디위드 MSKMRI : 네이버 카페 MSK MRI와 즐겁게 공부하고 공유하는 영상의학과 의사들의 모임 cafe.naver.com In the child, overuse injury of the proximal patellar tendon (Sinding-Larsen–Johansson syndrome) is a rare self-limiting condition. SLJ is an enchondral ossification disorder of the inferior pole of the patella, and is part of the osteochondrosis spectrum of .. 2022. 6. 4.
[MindMap Knee] 01.Sinding-Larsen-Johansson syndrome vs patellar sleeve fracture 고화질의 PDF를 보시고 싶으시다면 [영상의학과 공부 맛집] 카페 회원이 되어주세요~ 영상의학 의사들의 공부방입니다. https://cafe.naver.com/studywithmskmri/ 스터디위드 MSKMRI : 네이버 카페 MSK MRI와 즐겁게 공부하고 공유하는 영상의학과 의사들의 모임 cafe.naver.com In the child, overuse injury of the proximal patellar tendon (Sinding-Larsen–Johansson syndrome) is a rare self-limiting condition. SLJ is an enchondral ossification disorder of the inferior pole of the patella, and is.. 2022. 6. 4.
[Spine_01] Pages 01. Epidural cysts, Baastrup's Disease, Retrodural space, interspinous bursitis Baastrup’s disease is characterized by close approximation and abutment of spinous processes, interspinal bursitis, interspinous ligament degeneration/tears, subcortical cysts/erosions, edema, chondroid metaplasia, enchondral ossification involving opposing spinous processes, creation of synovial articulations, and occasionally the development of epidural cysts or epidural fibrotic masses Inters.. 2022. 6. 1.
Case 01. Epidural cysts, associated with Baastrup's Disease, interspinous bursitis, retrodural space Baastrup’s disease is characterized by close approximation and abutment of spinous processes, interspinal bursitis, interspinous ligament degeneration/tears, subcortical cysts/erosions, edema, chondroid metaplasia, enchondral ossification involving opposing spinous processes, creation of synovial articulations, and occasionally the development of epidural cysts or epidural fibrotic masses Inters.. 2022. 6. 1.
[Spine_01] MindMap 01. Epidural cysts, Baastrup's Disease, Retrodural space, interspinous bursitis Baastrup’s disease is characterized by close approximation and abutment of spinous processes, interspinal bursitis, interspinous ligament degeneration/tears, subcortical cysts/erosions, edema, chondroid metaplasia, enchondral ossification involving opposing spinous processes, creation of synovial articulations, and occasionally the development of epidural cysts or epidural fibrotic masses Inters.. 2022. 6. 1.
[Ankle_01_Instagram] Medial Plantar Neuropathy, Jogger’s foot, Knot of Henry, fo Jogger’s foot can develop at the Henry knot owing to repetitive trauma to the nerve, especially while running with increased heel valgus and foot pronation. Patients usually present with heel and arch pain, tenderness and a positive Tinel sign posterior to the navicular tuberosity, and numbness along the medial plantar foot. • MR: Edema or atrophy of the abductor hallucis and flexor digitorum br.. 2022. 5. 29.
[Ankle_01_Review] Medial Plantar Neuropathy, Jogger’s foot, Knot of Henry, foot 카페 회원이 되시면 pdf로 보실 수 있습니다. MSK MRI와 즐겁게 공부하고 공유하는 영상의학과 의사들의 모임 https://cafe.naver.com/studywithmskmri/ 근골격 영상의학에 관심이 많은 영상의학 선생님들과 함께 공부하고 성장하는 채널입니다. 영상의학 선생님들(전문의, 전공의) 모두 환영합니다. 함께 즐겁게 공부하는 공간이 되었으면 합니다. 여기 동영상들은 모두 비상업적이며, 오직 교육 목적으로 만든 것임을 분명히 밝힙니다. 그러나 이 동영상의 무단편집 및 재가공, 혹은 영상의 공유는 절대금지합니다. #MSKMRI, #virtualMRI, #radiologist, #musculoskeletal #AnkleMRI, #FootMRI, #MSKMRI_ANKLE #Denervatio.. 2022. 5. 29.
[Ankle_01] Medial Plantar Neuropathy, Jogger’s foot, Knot of Henry, foot muscles 01 neuropathy https://youtu.be/anTd8FBx6uw 카페에 가입하시면 pdf파일로 보실 수 있습니다. • Entrapment of medial plantar nerve beneath the talus and navicular bones in the region of the master knot of Henry #영상의학이지은, #MSKMRI, #영상의학과의사,#STUDYWITHMSKMRI, #공부맛집 MSK MRI와 즐겁게 공부하고 공유하는 영상의학과 의사들의 모임 https://cafe.naver.com/studywithmskmri/ 스터디위드 MSKMRI : 네이버 카페 MSK MRI와 즐겁게 공부하고 공유하는 영상의학과 의사들의 모임 cafe.naver.com 근골격 영상의.. 2022. 5. 29.
1 A. Morphologic Appearance 1. The long head of the biceps tendon attaches both to the superior glenoid and to the superior labrum [13], with approximately 50% of the biceps tendon fibers arising from the superior glenoid labrum and the remainder from the supraglenoid tubercle AJR 2011; 197:596–603 2. Labrum is predominantly composed of moderately dense bundles of fibrous tissue and therefore is q.. 2022. 5. 18.
[HYPERLINK] Synovial infection, Septic Arthritis, Septic tenosynovitis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Tuberculosis arthritis, bursitis, (SITE MAP) Synovial infection, Septic Arthritis, Septic tenosynovitis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Tuberculosis arthritis, bursitis, ​ [Synovial infection_01] Septic tenosynovitis, Infectious , palmar bursitis, Horseshoe abscess, [Synovial infection_02] Septic Bursitis, olecranon bursitis, ischial bursitis, DDx. Gout ​ [Synovial infection_03] #1 Septic Arthritis, Radiograph and CT, complication, Early and late s.. 2022. 5. 15.
[HYPERLINK] Osteomyelitis, (SITE MAP) Osteomyelitis, abscess, MRSA, CRMO, SAPHO syndrome, Langerhans cell histiocytosis [Osteomyelitis_01] Introduction, Pathogenesis, Acute, Subacute and Chronic OM [Osteomyelitis_02] X-ray and CT findings, Acute and chronic osteomyelitis, Reactivation [Osteomyelitis_03] # 01 Acute osteomyelitis, MRI findings, phlegmon, abscess, fat globules [Osteomyelitis_04] # 02 Acute osteomyelitis, MRI findings, .. 2022. 5. 15.
[HYPERLINK] Soft tissue infection, Cellulitis, Necrotizing Fasciitis, Myositis, Pyomyositis (SITE MAP) Soft tissue infection, Cellulitis, Necrotizing Fasciitis, Myositis, Pyomyositis 1. [Soft tissue infection_01] Anatomy of Fascia and Skin, superficial fascia, deep fascia, Ultrasound​ 2. [Soft tissue infection_02] #1 Cellulitis, nonnecrotizing, necrotizing cellulitis, abscess ​ 3. [Soft tissue infection_03] #2 Cellulitis, nonnecrotizing, necrotizing cellulitis, abscess 4. [Soft tissue infection_0.. 2022. 5. 15.
[HYPERLINK] #02 Neuropathies of the lower extremity (SITE MAP) #02 Neuropathies of the lower extremity Tibial nerve ​ 1. Tibial nerve -1 (anatomy 1)/ MRI, 경골신경, medial calcaneal nerve, medial plantar nerve, 내측 외측 내측족저신경 2. Tibial nerve -2 (anatomy 2)/ MRI, 경골신경, tarsal tunnel syndrome, 족근관 증후군, plantar nerve, 3. Tibial nerve -3 (anatomy 3)/ MRI, 경골신경, tarsal tunnel syndrome, 족근관 증후군, plantar nerve, 4. Tibial nerve -4 (anatomy 4)/ MRI, 경골신경, tarsal tunnel sy.. 2022. 5. 15.
[HYPERLINK] #01 Neuropathies of the lower extremity (SITE MAP) #01 Neuropathies of the lower extremity Introduction 1. Peripheral neuropathy - 개요 -1 (knee, leg, ankle, foot) / Nerve MRI, nerve injury 2. Peripheral neuropathy - 개요 -2 (Neuropraxia, Axonotmesis, Neurotmesis) / Nerve MRI, nerve injury 3. Peripheral neuropathy - 개요 -3 (acute, subacute, chronic denervation, MRI neurography, DWI DTI ​ Common peroneal nerve 1. Common peroneal nerve (anatomy) 해부학 / .. 2022. 5. 15.