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✅ Knee MRI Mastery396

(Fig 3-B.16) Popliteofibular Ligament Anatomy https://youtu.be/9XY2DxjmeYkhttps://youtu.be/6WOItzqJj1g 📌 Popliteofibular Ligament The popliteofibular ligament is a sturdy tendinous band that crucially stabilizes the posterolateral corner of the knee. It extends from the popliteus tendon to the posterior aspect of the fibular styloid process.★ Identifying the Popliteofibular LigamentOn coronal images, it can be identified deep to the latera.. 2024. 5. 22.
(Fig 3-B.15) Popliteus Tendon Avulsion Fracture https://youtu.be/-94H0Da5IN4https://youtu.be/6WOItzqJj1g 📌 Popliteus tendon tears can occur:Intra-articularly at the level of the popliteal hiatusAt or near the femoral attachment Isolated popliteus tendon tears are uncommon.In some cases, there is complete avulsion of the tendon from its femoral attachment.✅ In avulsion cases it is important to note if an osseous (bone) fragment is attached to.. 2024. 5. 21.
(Fig 3-B.14) Intra-Articular Partial Tear of the Popliteus https://youtu.be/6K1y-UwRZb8https://youtu.be/6WOItzqJj1g 📌 Popliteus Tendinosis and Tenosynovitis✅ Etiology and PathogenesisRepetitive stress on the popliteus can lead to popliteus tendinosis and tenosynovitis.There is no acute event associated with these conditions. ✅ MR Imaging Findings★ TendinosisOn T2-weighted MR images, the popliteus tendon may show increased intrasubstance signal.Tendon e.. 2024. 5. 21.
(Fig 3-B.13) Popliteus Myotendinous Junction Injury https://youtu.be/-Vl_F8M-mYQhttps://youtu.be/6WOItzqJj1g 📌 Popliteus InjuriesMost popliteus tears are extra-articular, involving the muscle or myotendinous portionLess common: injuries to the tendon within the popliteal hiatus or near femoral insertionMusculotendinous junction or femoral insertion injuries are common in high-grade posterolateral corner (PLC) injuriesIsolated popliteus injuries .. 2024. 5. 21.
(Fig 3-B.12) Cyamella vs Fabella https://youtu.be/3Le32DO7mL4https://youtu.be/6WOItzqJj1g 📌 Comparison of Fabella and CyamellaThe fabella and cyamella differ in their locations and characteristics.✅ Fabella:Located in the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscleRarely found in the medial head of the gastrocnemiusBest visualized on lateral radiographic views ✅ Cyamella:A rare sesamoid bone within the popliteus tendonCharacteris.. 2024. 5. 21.
(Fig 3-B.11) Popliteus Musculotendinous Complex Anatomy https://youtu.be/_A_mYXaDMPYhttps://youtu.be/6WOItzqJj1g 📌 Overview of Popliteus Musculotendinous ComplexThe popliteus musculotendinous complex includes the popliteus tendon, muscle, and patellofemoral ligament. It provides resistance to external rotation during knee flexion and supports the posterior cruciate ligament by restraining posterior translation. ✅ Popliteus Tendon PathwayThe popliteu.. 2024. 5. 21.
(Fig 3-B.10) Surrounding Popliteus Tendon Anatomy https://youtu.be/7CbqmUHYDughttps://youtu.be/6WOItzqJj1g ✅ Intra-Articular Popliteus AnatomyKnowing the intra-articular popliteus tendon anatomy is crucial. The popliteus tendon attaches to the popliteus fossa of the lateral femoral condyle, anterior and distal to the femoral origin of the lateral collateral ligament (LCL). So the popliteus tendon is seen first, followed by the LCL. Moving furth.. 2024. 5. 21.
(Fig 3-B.09) Complete Distal LCL Tear with Retraction https://youtu.be/--idGICYg8ghttps://youtu.be/6WOItzqJj1g 📌Posterolateral Corner (PLC) InjuriesLow-grade PLC injuries are often managed non-operativelySignificant PLC injuries involving the biceps femoris, fibular collateral ligament, and/or popliteus may require surgical intervention ✅ MRI Assessment of PLC InjuriesEvaluating PLC injuries with MRI is challenging due to anatomic complexityHoweve.. 2024. 5. 21.
(Fig 3-B.08) Distal LCL Attachment Tear https://youtu.be/TxLIDvm3aBohttps://youtu.be/6WOItzqJj1g 📌MRI Findings in Ligament Injuries ✅ Classification of Ligament InjuriesAt MR imaging, ligament injuries can be classified as:These often correspond to the clinical grading of grade I, II, and III injuries, respectively. ✅ Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) Injury PatternsMost common injury patterns of the fibular collateral ligament (LCL).. 2024. 5. 21.
(Fig 3-B.07) Mild Proximal LCL Injury https://youtu.be/F4ygtkuoNzwhttps://youtu.be/6WOItzqJj1g 🧐 Case PresentationFocal hyperintense area and mild swelling at the insertion of the lateral collateral ligamentSuggestive of mild injury of the proximal lateral collateral ligament (LCL) ✅ Point 1: Less Edema and Hemorrhage in LCL InjuriesIn LCL injuries, edema and hemorrhage are less frequent compared to medial injuries involving the me.. 2024. 5. 20.
(Fig 3-B.06) Lateral Collateral Ligament Anatomy: Part 2 https://youtu.be/KpMCYSOP8XUhttps://youtu.be/6WOItzqJj1g 📌Anatomy of the Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) and Related Structures1️⃣ Origin of the LCL The lateral collateral ligament (LCL) originates from the lateral side of the distal femur in a fanlike fashion, attaching between the lateral epicondyle and supracondylar process, just proximal and posterior to the lateral epicondyle, and anteri.. 2024. 5. 20.
(Fig 3-B.05) Lateral Collateral Ligament Anatomy: Part 1 https://youtu.be/dkF4H3mtS7khttps://youtu.be/6WOItzqJj1g 📌Anatomy of the Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) and Related Structures1️⃣ Origin of the LCL The lateral collateral ligament (LCL) originates from the lateral side of the distal femur in a fanlike fashion, attaching between the lateral epicondyle and supracondylar process, just proximal and posterior to the lateral epicondyle, and anteri.. 2024. 5. 20.
(Fig 3-B.02) Posterolateral Capsular Support Structures https://youtu.be/2-8svU3ZuTohttps://youtu.be/6WOItzqJj1g 📌 Overview of Posterolateral Knee Structures✅ Fibular Head AttachmentsImportant anchor for posterolateral corner structuresAttachment for lateral collateral ligament (LCL) and biceps femoris tendon anteriorly and posteriorly ✅ Biceps FemorisLong head tendon merges with LCL 1cm above fibular headInserts as conjoined tendon on lateral fibul.. 2024. 5. 20.
(Fig 3-B.01) Three-Layer Approach to Lateral Knee https://youtu.be/o27uL_qEKq8https://youtu.be/6WOItzqJj1g 📌 The Posterolateral Corner of the Knee: Three-Layer Approach 1️⃣ Superficial Layer (First Layer)Lateral fasciaIliotibial bandBiceps femoris tendon 2️⃣ Middle Layer (Second Layer)Patellar retinaculumPatellofemoral ligamentPatellomeniscal ligament 3️⃣ Deep Layer (Third Layer)Lateral collateral ligament (fibular collateral ligament)Lateral .. 2024. 5. 19.
(Fig 3-A.53) MCL Bursitis ⎜Distinguishing from Grade I MCL Injury https://youtu.be/YI6RTE_YrMwv ✅ Anatomy of the MCL BursaLocated between superficial and deep portions of the MCL along the middle third of the knee jointMay be single or multi-compartment✅Imaging Findings of MCL BursitisWell-defined fluid collectionMay extend into femoral/tibial compartments adjacent to cortexAnterior margin adjacent to MCLPosterior margin at MCL-deep capsular ligament junctionF.. 2024. 5. 15.
(Fig 3-A.52) Semimembranosus-Gastrocnemius Bursa: Baker Cyst, Synovial Osteochondromatosis https://youtu.be/bI3QDvI_rS8https://youtu.be/GSIg93UH3Oc 📌 Semimembranosus-Gastrocnemius Bursa: Baker CystNormally enlarges along medial gastrocnemius muscle distallyCan enter muscle compartment if fascial defect or weak region presentDissecting cyst may present as tender fullness below knee jointRare instance of cyst present both outside and within muscle compartment📌 Synovial Osteochondromat.. 2024. 5. 15.
(Fig 3-A.51) Semimembranosus Bursitis https://youtu.be/LNGTlEcwN4ghttps://youtu.be/GSIg93UH3Oc 📌Semimembranosus Bursa:Horseshoe-shaped synovial bursa around the semimembranosus tendon near posteromedial tibial rimInflamed/distended bursa presents as a synovial-lined space wrapping the tendonDemonstrates characteristic reverse 'J' shape or 'inverted-U' shape on imaging✅Direct Arm of Semimembranosus TendonPrincipal attachment of the .. 2024. 5. 15.
(Fig 3-A.50) Pes Anserine Bursitis https://youtu.be/0O2v9TRYmZ0https://youtu.be/GSIg93UH3Oc 📌Pes Anserinus BursitisPes anserinus bursitis refers to inflammation of the bursa located deep to the conjoined tendons (pes anserinus) on the medial aspect of the knee.✅ Anatomic ConsiderationsBursa does not communicate with knee joint cavityLocated deep to semitendinosus, gracilis, and sartorius tendonsMost frequently distal to joint li.. 2024. 5. 14.
(Fig 3-A.48) Osteomeniscal Impingement https://youtu.be/z9fsWoAlM2Ehttps://youtu.be/GSIg93UH3Oc 📌 Osteomeniscal Impingement and Impact EdemaOsteomeniscal impingement, also known as osteomeniscal impact edema (OIE), is a distinct condition characterized by a peripherally displaced flap tear of the medial meniscus with adjacent reactive bone marrow edema. Displacement into the inferior medial gutter is more common than superior displa.. 2024. 5. 14.
(Fig 3-A.47) Extra-Capsular Medial Tibial Crest Friction https://youtu.be/Mvcy1pMse3khttps://youtu.be/GSIg93UH3Oc 📌 Extra-Capsular Medial Tibial Crest Friction✅ Clinical PresentationThe condition is predominantly seen in young adults with a high level of physical activity, particularly athletes.Patients typically complain of pain and tenderness approximately 2.5 cm below the medial joint line.✅ Imaging FindingsIt is suggested that prominence of the m.. 2024. 5. 14.
(Fig 3-A.46) Adhesive Capsulitis of the knee https://youtu.be/a606_BRVd4Yhttps://youtu.be/GSIg93UH3Oc 📌Adhesive CapsulitisAdhesive capsulitis (AC) is a condition characterized by synovial inflammation and capsular fibrosis, leading to fibroblastic infiltration, adhesion, and retraction of the capsule. It was traditionally associated with the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint, but recent evidence suggests it can affect other joints as well.✅ M.. 2024. 5. 14.