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✅ Knee MRI Mastery405

(Fig 3-A.11) Distal sMCL Tear: without Stener-Like Lesion https://youtu.be/3WQ89WLVmRghttps://youtu.be/GSIg93UH3Oc 📌Characteristics of Distal MCL TearsMay have a wavy or serpiginous ligamentous contour due to laxityRetracted tears may have a more serpiginous morphology, requiring surgical repairDistal sMCL insertion injuries do not heal well with nonoperative treatment📌Proximal vs. Distal MCL Tear DifferencesIn proximal sMCL tears, the ruptured end i.. 2024. 5. 5.
(Fig 3-A.10) Grade II MCL Injury and Reconstruction https://youtu.be/6jrGiw3ry40https://youtu.be/GSIg93UH3Oc 📌 Management of Acute MCL InjuriesGrade I-II isolated MCL injuries should be managed non-operativelyEven for grade III tears, initial non-operative treatment is preferred if ACL is intact✅ Indications for Surgical TreatmentSevere chronic pain and valgus instability despite conservative managementAcute setting: superficial MCL torn from ti.. 2024. 5. 5.
(Fig 3-A.09) Grade III Injury of the sMCL and Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Injuries https://youtu.be/Uzo9UbzmjNghttps://youtu.be/GSIg93UH3Oc 📌 MRI Findings in Grade 3 Superficial MCL InjuryComplete discontinuity of the proximal superficial MCL and adjacent soft tissue edema, indicating a full-thickness tear. 📌 Involvement of MPFL in MCL InjuriesInjuries of the superficial MCL can propagate anteriorly to involve the anterior MPFL.The MPFL merges with the fibers of the MCL at t.. 2024. 5. 5.
(Fig 3-A.08) Grade II injury of the superficial medial collateral ligament (sMCL) https://youtu.be/89EzOdhgSuIhttps://youtu.be/GSIg93UH3Oc 📌 Grade 2 MCL Injury: MRI Findings✅ Key FindingsDisplacement of ligament fibers from boneHigh signal edema/hemorrhage around MCL fibersLigamentous attenuation or fluid separating torn fibersIntraligamentous hyperintensity and thickeningFocal or segmental ligament thickeningPossible bone contusions✅ Spectrum of InjuryGrade 2 represents a w.. 2024. 5. 5.
(Fig 3-A.07) Grade I injury of the superficial medial collateral ligament (sMCL) https://youtu.be/uexw7Jtoomchttps://youtu.be/GSIg93UH3Oc 📌 Grading MCL Injuries on MRIInjury Patterns Injuries to the medial collateral ligament (MCL) of the knee are extremely common, often resulting from valgus loading forces. While proximal ruptures are more frequent, any combination of injury locations can occur.✅MRI Grading System Radiologists typically grade MCL injuries on MRI using a th.. 2024. 5. 5.
(Fig 3-A.06) Medial Collateral Ligament Anatomy, Knee MRI, coronal and axial images https://youtu.be/XQwBRT9627ghttps://youtu.be/GSIg93UH3Oc "Visualizing MSK Radiology: A Practical Guide to Radiology Mastery"© 2022 MSK MRI Jee Eun Lee All Rights Reserved.No unauthorized reproduction, redistribution, or use for AI training.#MCL, #Medialknee, #POL, #kneeanatomy, #anatomyknee #sMCL, #dMCL 2024. 5. 4.
(Fig 3-A.05) Medial Collateral Ligament Anatomy, Knee MRI, coronal and axial images https://youtu.be/XQwBRT9627ghttps://youtu.be/GSIg93UH3Oc 📌 Superficial Medial Collateral Ligament (sMCL)Band-like structure with one femoral and two tibial attachmentsMeasures around 1.5 cm anteroposterior and 9.5 cm longFemoral attachment: 3.2 mm proximal, 4.8 mm posterior to medial epicondyleProximal tibial attachment: Blends with distal semimembranosus tendon sheath, 10-12 mm distal to joint.. 2024. 5. 4.
(Fig 3-A.04) MCL(medial collateral ligament) and POL(Posterior oblique ligament) Attachments https://youtu.be/5e3xuKWgdMIhttps://youtu.be/GSIg93UH3Oc 📌 Attachments of the medial collateral and posterior oblique ligaments1️⃣ sMCL-femoral attachmentHistorically reported to be attached to the medial epicondyle (ME)LaPrade et al.: Recent publications suggest the attachment is 3.2mm proximal and 4.8mm posterior to the ME Imperial College London: demonstrated that the sMCL covers the ME, wit.. 2024. 5. 4.
(Fig 3-A.03) Posteromedial Knee Anatomy: Part 2 https://youtu.be/fwgIlrMuA3Mhttps://youtu.be/GSIg93UH3Oc 📌 Overview of the Posteromedial CornerThe posteromedial corner is defined by the area between the posterior margin of the superficial medial collateral ligament (sMCL) and the medial border of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL).1️⃣ Posterior Oblique Ligament (POL)The POL's meniscal attachment, known as the POL capsular arm, is an exten.. 2024. 5. 4.
(Fig 3-A.02) Posteromedial Knee Anatomy: Part 1 https://youtu.be/oauPy8m5WHUhttps://youtu.be/GSIg93UH3Oc 📌Anatomy of the Medial Side of the Knee: Two Approaches✅ Warren et al.'s Approach:Initially, Warren et al. divided the medial side into three layers:Layer I: Deep fasciaLayer II: Superficial MCLLayer III: Joint capsule and deep MCL✅ Robinson et al.'s Approach:A more recent description by Robinson et al. divides the medial side into thirds.. 2024. 5. 3.
(Fig 3-A.01) Three-Layer Approach to Medial Knee https://youtu.be/PfsVdc7AGjEhttps://youtu.be/GSIg93UH3Oc 📌 Three-Layer Approach to Medial Knee1️⃣ Layer 1: Deep Crural FasciaThis is a superficial, thin fascial layer known as the deep crural fascia, which continues posteriorly with the sartorius fascia and fuses anteriorly with Layer 2 to form the patellar retinaculum. 2️⃣ Layer 2: Superficial Medial Collateral Ligament (sMCL)Layer 2 comprises.. 2024. 5. 2.
(Fig 2-E.32) Graft Tear In PCL Reconstruction: killer turn of the tibial tunnel opening. https://youtu.be/Cd99fDQ6qSAhttps://youtu.be/UgiSgNcqguA1️⃣ Understanding the "Killer Turn" in PCL ReconstructionThe term "killer turn" in posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) surgery describes the sharp, stressful bend that the PCL graft undergoes at the tibial tunnel aperture. This is not a smooth curve but an abrupt angle that can lead to increased graft tension, abrasion, and eventual failure. .. 2024. 4. 29.
(Fig 2-E.31) Graft Tear In PCL Reconstruction and Arthrofibrosis https://youtu.be/LGExBkGbODAhttps://youtu.be/UgiSgNcqguAPost-PCL Reconstruction Complications① Recurrent instabilityRecurrent instability is a common complication, possibly due to graft tear/stretching, impingement, or malpositioned tunnels.Graft tears may occur due to new injury or chronic impingement from suboptimal tunnel positioning.MRI signs of graft tear are similar to ACL but have lower s.. 2024. 4. 29.
(Fig 2-E.30) Double-bundle PCL reconstruction, Femoral Tunnel Placement https://youtu.be/o7Nvom0S23Qhttps://youtu.be/UgiSgNcqguA✅ Double-Bundle PCL ReconstructionThe double-bundle technique aims better to mimic native PCL for improved posterior stability in flexionBiomechanical studies show superior knee laxity and kinematics restoration compared to single-bundle Potential for excessively restricted residual anteroposterior translationNo significant differences in c.. 2024. 4. 29.
(Fig 2-E.29) Femoral Tunnel Placement of PCL Reconstruction https://youtu.be/s1cezFjtZaYhttps://youtu.be/UgiSgNcqguA✅ Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Reconstruction: Single Bundle Technique1. Anatomy of the PCL Bundles:The anterolateral bundle arises anteriorly from the lateral margin of the medial femoral condyle and extends up to the roof of the intercondylar notch.The posteromedial bundle attaches slightly more medially and posterior to the anterola.. 2024. 4. 29.
(Fig 2-E.28) PCL Graft Ligamentization https://youtu.be/oQaqeFP_78ohttps://youtu.be/UgiSgNcqguAPCL graft ligamentization is the process of remodeling and revascularization that a tendon graft undergoes after being used for posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) reconstruction surgery. This process can be divided into three phases:1.Early phase (0-3 months):The graft is avascular (no blood supply)It appears hypointense (dark) on all MRI se.. 2024. 4. 29.
(Fig 2-E.27) Treatment of Acute Avulsion Fracture of PCL https://youtu.be/_rcYruLO4Mohttps://youtu.be/UgiSgNcqguAPCL tears typically do not occur alone and are most often associated with multiligamentous knee injuries.✅ Treatment StrategiesHistorically, treatments have ranged from ligament reconstruction to primary repair. Recently, arthroscopic primary PCL repair has emerged as a favorable option due to its minimally invasive nature. This technique p.. 2024. 4. 28.
(Fig 2-E.26) PCL Repair https://youtu.be/vsxJzmhoV30 https://youtu.be/UgiSgNcqguA✅ ACL RepairThe ACL often requires reconstruction due to its poor healing capacity after complete tears. However, when the ACL is intact with an associated tibial eminence avulsion fracture, primary repair by reattaching the bone fragment is possible and usually successful. This method applies to avulsion fractures at both the femoral and .. 2024. 4. 28.
(Fig 2-E.25) Multiligamentous Injuries Associated with PCL Injuries https://youtu.be/QYpA6UeK6oohttps://youtu.be/UgiSgNcqguA📌Common Associated Injuries with Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Injury1️⃣ Posterolateral Corner Injuries: Up to 73% of PCL injuries involve damage to the posterolateral corner structures, such as the lateral collateral ligament, popliteus muscle, popliteofibular ligament, biceps femoris muscle, arcuate ligament, and fabellofibular ligam.. 2024. 4. 28.
(Fig 2-E.24) Chronic Complete Tear of the PCL - Part 2 https://youtu.be/aXLAu1vhjekhttps://youtu.be/UgiSgNcqguA📌 Diagnosing Chronic PCL Tears1️⃣ : Understanding PCL Appearance on MRIChronic tears of the Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) often present subtle signs that can be challenging to detect on MRI.Studies indicate that nearly 28% of chronic PCL injuries might appear almost normal, while another 44% may demonstrate continuity but with noticeab.. 2024. 4. 28.
(Fig 2-E.23) Chronic Complete Tear of the PCL - Part 1 https://youtu.be/Vf85VGRMDPohttps://youtu.be/UgiSgNcqguAChronic posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injuries can present with various MRI appearances, posing challenges in accurately diagnosing and assessing functional integrity. 📌Key points regarding chronic PCL complete tears:1️⃣Morphological Changes:The chronically injured PCL may appear thickened, elongated, or have a persistently abnormal co.. 2024. 4. 28.